William Jen 任維廉 Professor Emeritus
William Jen 任維廉 Professor Emeritus

Marketing and Customer Satisfaction
Service Marketing
Transportation Management
Performance Assessment


Ph.D.,Institute of Management Sceience, National Chiao-Tung University, 1991
M.S.,Institute of Management Sceience, National Chiao-Tung University, 1978
B.S.,Department of Statistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1976


Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao-Tung University, Aug. 2007 to Present
Chairman of Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao-Tung University, Aug. 2006 to Jul. 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao-Tung University, Aug. 1991 to Jul. 2007
Lecturer, Department of Transportation Engineering and Management, National Chiao-Tung University, Aug. 1980 to Jul. 1991

英文著作English Publication


  1. Hu, K. C. and W. Jen, 2010.09, From the Viewpoint of Business Customers to Explore the Antecedents of Satisfaction and Loyalty for Freight Shipping Industry in Taiwan, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8. , pp.721-734.
  2. Jen William, Rungting Tu and Tim Lu, 2011.3, Managing passenger behavioral intention: an integrated framework for service quality, satisfaction, perceived value, and switching barriers, Transportation, (SSCI, SCI), Vol. 38, No. 2, pp.321-342.
  3. Hu, K. C.,  W. Jen, and  M. Lu, 2011.8, Effects of Service Guarantee and Perceived Waiting Experience on Railway Passenger’s Repurchase Intentions, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 9, pp. 1000-1011.
  4. Lu, Tim , Rungting Tu and William Jen, 2011.10, The role of service value and switching barriers in an integrated model of behavioral intentions, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, (SSCI), 22 (10), pp. 1071-1089.
  5. Hu, K. C., L. M. Y. Lu, C. Y. Tu, and  W. jen, 2013.12, Applying Critical Incidents Technique to Explore the Categories of Service Failure and Service Recovery for Taiwanese International Airlines, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 10, pp. 2255-2273.
  6. Jen, William, Mingying (Lancaster) Lu, Wei-Ting Wang, and Yuan-Ting Chang, 2013.12, “Effects of Perceived Benefits and Perceived Costs on Passenger’s Intention to Use Self-ticketing Kiosk of Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 10, pp. 215-230.
  7. Jen, William, Mingying (Lancaster) Lu, Er-Hua Hsieh, Yi-Hua Wu, and Shih-Min Chan, 2013.12, “Effects of Airport Servicescape on Passengers’ Satisfaction: A Hierarchical Approach and Importance-Performance Analysis”,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 10, pp. 2223-2234.
中文著作Chinese Publication


  1. 任維廉,胡凱傑,崔妮臻,2009.3, 知覺擁擠與公眾自我意識特質對顧客等候經驗之影響-以國道客運台北總站為例,顧客滿意學刊,第5卷,第1期,頁65-92。NSC95-2416-H-009-013
  2. 任維廉,涂榮庭,胡友維,呂堂榮,2009.6, 好事是否做對了?運輸企業善因行銷策略之研究,都市交通,第24卷第1期,頁1~14。
  3. 任維廉,呂堂榮,劉柏廷,2009.9, 科技接受行為模式之整合分析:三個主要模式之比較,資管評論,第15卷,第1期,頁101-138。NSC94-2416-H-009-008
  4. 胡凱傑,任維廉,陳建元,2009.12, 服務保證與知覺等候經驗對旅客滿意度與再購意願之影響:以臺鐵為例,運輸學刊 (TSSCI),第21卷,第4期,頁355-384。
  5. 任維廉,涂榮庭,呂明頴,呂堂榮,2009.12,功能性與享樂性服務品質屬性對客運乘客行為之影響,都市交通半年刊,第二十四卷,第二期,pp1-16。
  6. 胡凱傑,任維廉,李欣宜,2010.3,延遲原因資訊與服務補救對歸因可控制性與顧客反應之影響:以臺鐵為例,運輸學刊 (TSSCI) ,第22卷,第1期,頁21-50。
  7. 任維廉,涂榮庭,吳毓娟,曾婉翎,2010.12,市區公車駕駛員情緒智力對工作壓力模式之調節效果,運輸學刊 (TSSCI),第22卷,第4期,頁415-446。
  8. 涂榮庭,任維廉,熊薈明,徐士弘,呂明頴,2010,”正版、仿冒与二手奢侈品之情境效应对消费者选择之影响”,现代广告,第四期,頁7-15。
  9. 任維廉,郭禹瑄,呂明穎,胡友維,2012,產品相對稀缺之吸引力:自我認同相關產品與消費者獨特性需求為干擾變數,行銷評論,2012年春季第9卷,第1期 ,頁43-60。
  10. 胡凱傑,任維廉,黃宇真,2013.3,以服務場景觀點探討公路客運轉運站之服務評估:臺北轉運站為例,運輸學刊 (TSSCI) ,第25卷,第1期,頁111-142。
  11. 呂堂榮、任維廉、郭又菁,2013.12,改善服務品質真的能帶來獲利?投資改善服務品質之報酬率的評估,品質學報(EI),20卷6期,p.571~598.
  12. 呂堂榮,任維廉,詹峻明,2013.12,以組合貨幣訂價增加旅客使用哩程酬賓點數意願-計算容易與價格折扣框架之影響,運輸學刊 (TSSCI),第25卷,第4期,頁515-548 。