Hsin-Li Chang 張新立 Professor Emeritus
Hsin-Li Chang 張新立 Professor Emeritus
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57208

Transportation Safety
Traffic Engineering and Control
Travel Demand and Behavior
Railway Engineering and Operation


Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, USA, 1986
M.S., Institute of Transportation Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 1979
B.S., Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, 1977


Dean, College of Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (Present)
Dean, Division of General Affairs, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Director, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Director, Center of Transportation Research, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Associate Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Research Associate, The Bureau of Public Works, Taipei Municipal Government.
Research Assistant, Transportation Center, Northwestern University, USA

英文著作English Publication
  1. Hsin-Li Chang, Chang-Ku Shih, Mei-Hsing Cheng. The Perceived Red Light Running Enforcement Performance of Taiwan Police: An Application of Multidimensional Rasch Model. Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., Innovation in Management Practices, 630-640, 2008. 1 Hsin-Li Chang, Chang-Ku Shih, Mei-Hsing Cheng. The Perceived Red Light Running Enforcement Performance of Taiwan Police: An Application of Multidimensional Rasch Model. Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., Innovation in Management Practices, 630-640, 2008.
  2.  Hsin-Li Chang, Hsin-Wen Chang, Mei-chen Chiu. The Obstacles of cycling to school – an Empirical Study of Taiwanese students. The 7th International Conference of Eastern Society for Transportation Studies, Dalian, September 24-26, 2007. 
  3. Hsin-Li Chang, Hsin-Wen Chang. Environmental Preference and Satisfaction of Recreational Cyclists in a Technopolis. Transportation Research Board Committee BIVLCLE TRANSPORTATION (ANF20) for 2006 TRB Annual Meeting, January 23-26, 2006.
  4. Hsin-Li Chang, Hsin-Wen Chang. Comparison Between the Differences of Recreational Cyclists in The National Scenic Bikeway and Local Lane. The 6th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Bangkok, September 21-24, 2005.
  5. Hsin-Wen Chang, Sin-Li Chang. A study on Bicycle Tourism and Recreational Cyclists in Taiwan. The 9th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 2004, Dec. 10-12, pp.1-10.  
  6. Hsin-Li Chang, Chun-Chih Yeh, Potential Fallacies in Measuring The Effect of Road Accident Prevention Policies, International Conference of Road Safety and Traffic Accident Injury Prevention, Taipei, May 1, 2004, pp.99-118.  
  7. Hsin-Li Chang, Tsu-Hurng Yeh, Risk factors to driver fatalities in Taiwan’s single-vehicle crashes: Comparison between non-motorcycle drivers and motorcyclists. Paper presented at 83rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 11~15, 2004.
  8. Hsin-Li Chang, Chien-Ming Tseng, The Travel Behavior of The People Whose Driver Licenses Have Been Suspended Whole Lifetime, Journal of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp.2685~2694, Japan, November, 2003.  
  9. Hsin-Wen Chang, Hsin-Li Chang, A Strategic Study of Tourism In Taiwan, Journal of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp.1675~1685, Japan, November, 2003.  
  10. sin-Li Chang, Jinn-Guang Wu, Chen-Way Kuo, 『Developing a Checking and Evaluating System for Railway Safety Management – A Case Study for Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation』, Proceeding of 2002 World Metro Symposium, Taipei, April 25-27, 2002, Taipei, p.449-452.  
  11. Chang, Hsin-li, Wu, Shun-Cheng, How the Children Go to School in Taiwan –A Case Study of Hsinchu City, Proceeding of at 2002 TRB annual meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A., January, 2002.
  12. Chang, Hsin-Li, Yeh, Chun-Chih, “The Relationship Between the Working Pressure and Accident Risk for Aggregate-Hauling Vehicle Drivers in Taiwan”, The Fourth Conference of EASTS, October 24-27, 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam.  
  13. Ting-Yu Chen, Jih-Chang Wang, and Hsin-Li Chang,「Applying Habitual Domains to Modify the Self-Organizing Map」, International Joint Conference of CFSA/IFIS/SOFT’95 on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, December 6-8, 1995.
  14. Chang, Hsin-Li and Chen, Ting-Yu,  “Competence Set Analysis of Mode Choice”, The Proceedings of 6th Annual Conference, Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development, pp.62-74, Taipei, November 1-3, 1994
  15. Hsin-Li Chang, “The Relationship Between Motor Carrier Operation Strategies and Accident Occurrence”, Paper Submitted for The Fifth World Conference on Transportation Research, Yokohama, Japan, July 10-14, 1989.  
  16. Hsin-Li Chang, “The Experience of Applying Computerized Traffic Surveillance System on Freeway Operations in Taiwan”, Proceeding of International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering, San Diego, California, U.S.A., Feb.6-8, 1989, pp.402-407.
  17. Paul P. Jovanis, Hsin-Li Chang and Ibrahim Zabaneh, “A Comparison of Accident Rates for Two Truck Configurations”, Transportation Research Board 68th Annual Meeting,Washington D. C., January, 1989.
  18. Hsin-Li Chang and Paul P. Jovanis, “Some Observations on Theory and Methodology in Safety Research”, The International Symposium on Traffic Safety Theory and Research Methods, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 26-28, 1988.
  19. Hsin-Li Chang, “A Proposed Plan for The New Transportation Agency”, International Symposium On Urban Transportation,—Workshop on Transportation Improvement Strategies In Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 17-19, 1986, pp.17-23.
  20. Paul P. Jovanis and Hsin-Li Chang, “Modeling the Relationship of Accidents to Miles Traveled”, Transportation Research Board 65th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, 1986.  
  21. Paul P. Jovanis and Hsin-Li Chang, “Disaggregate Model of Highway Accident Occurrence”, Transportation Research Board 65th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, 1986.  
中文著作Chinese Publication
  1. 張新立、林忠漢,『應用派翠網路於捷運電聯車系統維護策略之研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十屆學術論文研討會論文集,台北市,中華民國94年11月25-26日,第1575-1588頁。
  2. 張新立、張馨文,『國家級與地方級風景區自行車遊客環境偏好之研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十屆學術論文研討會論文集,台北市,中華民國94年11月25-26日,第xxxx-xxxx頁。
  3. 張新立、張高文,『影響國中學生無照駕駛機車行為意向成因研究分析』,中華民國第二屆交通安全教育研討會學術論文集,南投縣魚池鄉,中華民國94年12月13-14日,第20-37頁。
  4. 張新立、吳舜丞,彭俊斌,『小客車駕駛新手對安全駕駛感認能力之研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十一屆學術論文研討會論文集,新竹市,中華民國95年12月156日,論文編號0709(計17頁)。
  5. 張新立、黃維崧,『影響台鐵平交道事故因素之研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十一屆學術論文研討會論文集,新竹市,中華民國95年12月156日,論文編號1106(計20頁)。
  6. 張新立、黃山、吳舜丞,『台鐵站務員工處理安全危機之感認能力研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十一屆學術論文研討會論文集,新竹市,中華民國95年12月156日,論文編號1110(計20頁)。
  7. 張新立、凌宇康,『應用可靠度為中心維修方式規劃軌道車輛維修階層之研究』,中華民國運輸學會第二十一屆學術論文研討會論文集,新竹市,中華民國95年12月156日,論文編號1111(計20頁)。
  8. 張新立、楊舜棠,『應用Rasch模式量測駕訓教育前後駕駛態度之改變』,中華民國運輸學會第二十二屆學術論文研討會論文集,台北市,中華民國96年12月3~5日。
  9. 張新立、邱美珍,『以Rasch模式量測乘客對台北捷運系統之服務滿意度』,中華民國運輸學會第二十二屆學術論文研討會論文集,台北市,中華民國96年12月3~5日。
  10. 張新立、施昌谷、陳少旭,『交通警察取締闖紅燈執法能力感知-RASCH模式之應用,97年度道路交通安全與執法研討會論文集,桃園龜山,中華民國97年10月16日,第41-59頁。