Tai-Sheng Huang 黃台生 Retired Associate Professor
Tai-Sheng Huang 黃台生 Retired Associate Professor

Policy and Planning for Public Transit
Mass Transit Operation and Management
Rapid Transit Engineering and Planning
Logistics System


PhD Candidate, Institute of Management Science,National Chiao Tung University, ROC.
Master of Engineering, Traffic Engineering Group, Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1975.6
Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1971.6


Associate professor in Institute of Traffic and Trasportation, National Chiao Tung University (Retired)
Lecturer in Institute of Traffic and Trasportation, National Chiao Tung University, 1977/2 ~ 1981/7
Assistant Engineer, Department for Central Area, Bureau of National Freeway Construction, 1975/9 ~ 1977/2


Research Grants Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (1991)
Council Member of Taipei Society for Traffic Safety
Supervisor of Chinese Institute of Transportation
Advisor for Taipei City Government
Advisor on Traffic and Transportation for Tao Yuen County Government

英文著作English Publication
  1. Huang, T. S. (2000), “A Comparison Between Light Rail Transit and Exclusive Bus Lane,” Report of National Science Council.  
  2. Huang, T. S. (1998), “A Feasibility Study for Light Rail Transit Used in Taiwan,” Report of Institute of Transportation, MOTC. 
  3. Huang, T. S. and Wang, C.F. (1995), “Strategies of MRT Technologies Usage in Metropolication,” TIMS XXXIII International, Singapore.
  4. Huang, T. S. (1991), “The Planning Concept of a Composite Technology Network in Taipei’s MRT System,” Proceedings of 1991 Conference of Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development.
  5. Huang, T. S., “A Modification for Land Use and Transport Behavior Model and its Empirical Study,” Chiao Da Management Review, Vol. 10, No. 1.
中文著作Chinese Publication
  1. 溫傑華、黃台生、趙國婷、姜榮新,2001.3,「國道客運車輛下層空間設置臥舖或座位顧客接受度之研究」,都市交通,第16卷第1期。
  2. 黃台生、溫傑華,2000.9,「國道雙層巴士下層設置臥舖或座位之安全驗證」,都市交通,第15卷3期,68-72頁。
  3. 黃台生,1997.5,「北部地區旅次產生率特性」,都市交通,93期。
  4. 黃台生,1991.05,「土地使用與運輸行為模式之修正與實證研究」交大管理學報,第10卷1期。
  5. 黃台生,1987.06,「捷運系統發展策略規劃模式」,交通運輸,第9期,63-74頁。
  6. 黃台生,1986,「台北市公車之路線成本與其在營運上之應用」,交通運輸,第8期,31-40頁。
  7. 黃台生,1985.09,「台北市公車物料存量管理對財物虧損影響之分析與檢討」,交通運輸,第7期,11-22頁。
  8. 黃台生,1983.07,「汽油價格對台北市運輸工具分配影響之調查研究」,能源季刊,第13卷3期,60-83頁。
  9. 黃台生,1983,「中心商業區停車延時最適管制之研究」,交大管理學報,第3卷第1期,97-109。
  10. 黃台生、張鴻森,1981.07,「都市幹道交通近程改善之系統分析」,交通運輸,第3期,33-43頁。
  11. 黃台生,1981.3,「台北巿中心區單行道系統規劃研究」,交大管理學報,第1卷第1期,57-85。
  12. 黃台生,1980.12,「台北市舊市區停車需求與停車極限之研究」,運輸計畫季刊,第9卷第4期,433-452頁。