Mu-Chen Chen 陳穆臻 Professor
Mu-Chen Chen 陳穆臻 Professor
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57667
02-23494967 (台北校區)
英文著作English Publication
  1. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, M.-C. and Liao, W.-C., 2017 (July), Logistics service design for cross-border e-commerce using Kansei Engineering with text-mining-based online content analysis. Telematics and Informatics, 34, No. 4, pp. 284-302. (SSCI).
  2. Chen, M.-C., Hsiao, Y.-H., Huang, H.-Y., 2017 (May), Semiconductor supply chain planning with decisions of decoupling point and VMI scenario. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 856-868.
  3. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, M.-C., Chin, C.-L. 2017 (March). Distribution Planning for Perishable Foods in Cold Chains with Quality Concerns: Formulation and Solution Procedure. Trends in Food Science & Technology, Vol. 61, pp. 80-93.
  4. Wu, P.-J., Chen, M.-C., Tsao, C.-K., 2017 (January) The data-driven analytics for investigating cargo loss in logistics systems. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 68-83. (SSCI).
  5. Chen, M.-C., Hsu, C.-C., Malhotra, B., Tiwari, M. K., 2016 (September), An efficient ICA-DW-SVDD fault detection and diagnosis method for non-Gaussian processes. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 17, pp. 5208-5218. (SCI).
  6. Chen, M.-C., Hsiao, Y.-H., Reddy, R, H., Tiwari, M. K., 2016 (July), The self-learning particle swarm optimization approach for routing pickup and delivery of multiple products with material handling in multiple cross-docks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 91, pp. 208-226. (SSCI).
  7. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, M.-C. and Lee, C.-L. (2016, Mar). Model predictive control as a simulator for studying the operation quality of semiconductor supply chains in the perspective of integrated device manufacturers. IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2016.2535726. (SCI).
  8. Chen, M.-C., Chang, K.-C., Hsu, C.-L. and Xiao, J.-H., 2015, Applying a Kansei engineering-based logistics service design approach to developing international express services, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 618-646. (SSCI)
  9. Chen, M.-C., Hsu, C.-L., Chang, K.-C. and Chou, M.-C., 2015, Applying Kansei Engineering to design logistics services-A case of home delivery service, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 48, pp. 46-59. (SSCI)
  10. Li, C.-S. and Chen, M.-C.*, 2014, A data mining based approach for travel time prediction in freeway with non-recurrent congestion, Neurocomputing, Vol. 133, 74-83. (SCI)
  11. Hsu, C.-L. and Chen, M.-C., 2014, Explaining consumer attitudes and purchase intentions toward organic food: contributions from regulatory fit and consumer characteristics, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 35, pp. 6-13. (SCI)
  12. Chen, M.-C.*, Hsu, C.-L., Hsu, C.-M., Lee, Y.-Y., 2014, Ensuring the quality of e-shopping specialty foods through efficient logistics service, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 69-82. (SCI)
  13. Hsu, C.-L., Wu, C.-C. and Chen, M.-C., 2013, An empirical analysis of the antecedents of e-satisfaction and e-loyalty: focusing on the role of flow and its antecedents, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 287-311. (SSCI)
  14. Chang, K.-C., Chen, M.-C. and Hsu, C.-L., 2012, Identifying critical brand contact elements of a tourist destination: Applications of Kano’s model and the importance-satisfaction model, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 205-221. (SSCI)
  15. Wei, Y. and Chen, M.-C., 2012, Forecasting the short-term metro passenger flow with Empirical Mode Decomposition and neural networks, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 148-162. (SCI)
  16. Chen, M.-C.* and Wei, Y., 2011, Exploring time variants for short-term passenger flow, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 488-498. (SSCI)
  17. Chiang, D. M.-H., Lin, C.-P. and Chen, M.-C.*, 2011, The adaptive approach for storage assignment by mining data of warehouse management system for distribution centres, Enterprise Information Systems, 5, No. 2, pp. 219-234. (SCI)
  18. Chang, K.-C., Chen, M.-C. and Hsu, C.-L., 2010, Applying loss aversion to assess the effect of customers’ asymmetric responses to service quality on post-dining behavioral intentions: An empirical survey in the restaurant sector, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 620-631. (SSCI)
  19. Hsu, C.-L., Chen, M.-C.*, Chang, K.-C. and Chao, C.-M., 2010, Applying loss aversion to investigate service quality in logistics: a moderating effect of service convenience, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 508-525. (SSCI)
  20. Kuo, J.-C. and Chen, M.-C.*, 2010, Developing an advanced multi-temperature joint distribution system for the food cold chain, Food Control, Vol. 21, No. 4, 559-566. (SCI)
  21. Chen, M.-C.*, Chen, K.-Y., Hsu, M.-F. and Yeh, C.-T., 2009, A Web Services based Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) framework for managing spare parts of semiconductor equipment, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 22, No. 4, 596-600. (SCI)
  22. Chen, L.-S., Hsu, F.-H., Chen, M.-C.*, and Hsu, Y.-C., 2008, Developing recommender systems with the consideration of product profitability for sellers, Information Sciences, Vol. 178, No. 4, pp. 1032-1048. (SCI)
  23. Chen, M.-C. *, Yang, T. and Li, H.-C., 2007, Evaluating the supply chain performance of IT-based inter-enterprise collaboration, Information & Management, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 524-534. (SSCI)
  24. Chen, M.-C.* and Wu, H.-P., 2005, An association-based clustering approach to order batching considering customer demand patterns, Omega-International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 333-343. (SSCI).
中文著作Chinese Publication


  1. Chen, M.-C., Hsiao, Y.-H., Basak, A., Tiwari, M. K. (2016, Dec). Optimizing vehicle routing in the food cross-docking system. The Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7-10, 2016. MOST 103-2410-H-009-029-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  2.  Machida, I., Chen, M.-C. (2016, Dec). Evolution of OBOR Initiative and Its Impacts on Japan’s Companies Operating in China. The One Belt and One Road (OBOR) Conference, Melbourne, Australia. MOST 103-2410-H-009-029-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  3. Chen, L.-S., Tseng, S.-C., Chen, M.-C. (2016, Oct). Discovering key features of influencing performances of online reviews in social media. The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE 2016), October 10-12, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  4. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, M.-C. (2016, Oct). A CVRPTWQT Problem: Solution by Generic Algorithm. The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE 2016), October 10-12, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  5. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, M.-C. (2016, Jul). Kansei Engineering with online content mining for cross-border logistics service design. 5th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, July 10-14, 2016, Kumamoto City International Center, Kumamoto, Japan.
  6. Hsu, C.-L., Chen, M.-C., Lu, C.-C. (2016, Apr). Understanding the impact of gamification marketing activities on value, brand love, and desirable consumer behaviors. 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, April 3-4, 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  7. Ruengket, N., Kumar, V., Akkaranggoon, S., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Kumari, A. and Chen, M.-C. (2015, Jun). Examining Wine Supply Chain Coordination Issues in Thai Wine Industry (FAIM 2015). International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2015), June 23 – 26th, 2015, At University of Wolverhampton, UK.
  8. Chen, M.-C., Wu, P.-J. and Tsau, C.-K. (2015, May). Analyzing Cargo Loss Severity of Electronics Products with Decision Tree (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 349 2015, pp 477-484.). Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications 2015, Tokyo, Japan. MOST 103-2221-E-009-135-MY3.
  9. Chen, M.-C., Wu, P.-J. and Xiong, W.-H. (2015, May). Explicating the Trends of China’s Logistics Services for Electronic Commerce (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 349 2015, pp 871-880.). Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications 2015, Tokyo, Japan. MOST 103-2410-H-009-029-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  10. Chen, M.-C., Hsu, C.-C., Malhotra, B. and Tiwari, M. K. (2014, Nov). Applying the ICA-Based Approach to Detect Faults in Processes. The Asian Conference on Technology, Information & Society 2014, Official Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 2189-1028, Osaka, Japan. MOST 100-2410-H-009-013-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  11. Chang, K.-C., Chen, M.-C., Kuo, N.-T., Hsu, C.-L. and Cheng, Y.-S. (2014, Jul). Understanding tourist service quality perceptions and loyalty intentions in the international hotel sector: application of data mining methods and Kano’s model. 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapore.
  12. Hsu, C.-L., Chen, M.-C., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, K.-C. and Hsieh, A.-Y. (2014, Apr). Adopting the Extension of UTAUT Model to Investigate the Determinants of EBook Adoption (IEEE, EI). 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Sapporo, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  13. Chen, M.-C., Hsu, C.-L., Chou, M.-C. and Chang, K.-C. (2014, Jan). Applying the service design scheme to enhance the intention to use home delivery services with Kansei engineering. 2014 International Winter Conference on Business & Economics Research, Oita, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  14. Hsu, C.-L. and Chen, M.-C. (2014, Jan). Investigating the impact of website quality and relationship quality on the consumers’ purchase intention in social shopping. 2014 International Winter Conference on Business & Economics Research, Oita, Japan.
  15. 盧宗成,丁慶榮,王貞淑,陳穆臻,陳慧如,高增英,洪上智,林韋捷
  16. 王貞淑,盧宗成,丁慶榮,陳穆臻,楊世強,高增英,洪上智(2015年11月)。基於MapReduce於分散式基因演算法之應用與研究。第二十一屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會,國立勤益科技大學。
  17. 陳穆臻、盧宗成、林欣宜與許嘉霖 (2015年11月)。新加坡自由貿易港區營運模式與我國之借鏡。台科大企管系第十四屆管理新思維國際研討會,台灣科技大學。本人為第一作者。
  18. 陳穆臻, 陳皇霖, 李彥廷, 盧宗成, 高增英, 李季森, 祝鈞毅, 洪上智(2014年12月)。SBD銷售模式之集貨與配送規劃(中國工業工程學會 103 年度年會暨學術研討會, 最佳論文獎)。中國工業工程學會 103 年度年會暨學術研討會,明志科技大學。工業技術研究院:SSTC-103-65-15。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。