Hsinchu and Taipei campuses
Entrance Screening Test, Entrance Examination. Undergraduates from any public or private university or equivalent institutions with degrees in Transportation or related degrees are qualified. Undergraduates from other departments like the Department of Management Information Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Department of Economics and who are interested in the sector of transportation may also apply.
※Enrolment information is available at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Homepage> Admissions Information> Master Class Section
- 各類招生資訊可至國立陽明交通大學網站之「招生資訊」「碩士班」查詢
- 甄試入學考生個人資料表 (odt)
- 碩士班甄試入學「直接錄取」、「正取生」報到須知
- 碩士班考試入學「正取生」報到須知
- 應屆畢業繳學位證書切結書 (odt)
- 考生放棄聲明書 (odt)
- 甄試入學招生申請二月入學申請書及切結書 (odt)
Hsinchu and Taipei campuses
Entrance Screening Test, Entrance Examination. Undergraduates from any public or private university or equivalent institutions with degrees in Transportation or related degrees are qualified. Undergraduates from other departments like the Department of Management Information Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Department of Economics and who are interested in the sector of transportation may also apply.
※Enrolment information is available at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Homepage> Admissions Information> Master Class Section
- 各類招生資訊可至國立陽明交通大學網站之「招生資訊」「碩士班」查詢
- 甄試入學考生個人資料表 (odt)
- 碩士班甄試入學「直接錄取」、「正取生」報到須知
- 碩士班考試入學「正取生」報到須知
- 應屆畢業繳學位證書切結書 (odt)
- 考生放棄聲明書 (odt)
- 甄試入學招生申請二月入學申請書及切結書 (odt)
Hsinchu and Taipei campuses
Entrance Screening Test, Entrance Examination. Undergraduates from any public or private university or equivalent institutions with degrees in Transportation or related degrees are qualified. Undergraduates from other departments like the Department of Management Information Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Department of Economics and who are interested in the sector of transportation may also apply.
※Enrolment information is available at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Homepage> Admissions Information> Master Class Section
- 各類招生資訊可至國立陽明交通大學網站之「招生資訊」「碩士班」查詢
- 甄試入學考生個人資料表 (odt)
- 碩士班甄試入學「直接錄取」、「正取生」報到須知
- 碩士班考試入學「正取生」報到須知
- 應屆畢業繳學位證書切結書 (odt)
- 考生放棄聲明書 (odt)
- 甄試入學招生申請二月入學申請書及切結書 (odt)
Hsinchu and Taipei campuses
Entrance Screening Test, Entrance Examination. Undergraduates from any public or private university or equivalent institutions with degrees in Transportation or related degrees are qualified. Undergraduates from other departments like the Department of Management Information Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Department of Economics and who are interested in the sector of transportation may also apply.
※Enrolment information is available at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Homepage> Admissions Information> Master Class Section