Professional stream of study: Transportation Planning and Policies

Course Module: Transportation Planning and Policies


  1. Transportation Economics;
  2. Transportation Planning (required course);
  3. Transportation Project Planning and Evaluation;
  4. Introductory Transportation Network.

Transportation Economics

  • Analyze traffic and transportation problem using economic theory
  • Macroscopic: operation and management of transportation industry (e.g. supply and pricing problem)
  • Microscopic: demand and characteristics of travelers (e.g. modal choice)
  • Policy and strategy for transportation department
  • Issues on urban development (e.g. green transportation, intelligent transportation, transportation safety etc.)

Transportation Planning (Required course)

  • Discuss the relationship between town planning and traffic and transportation, as well as the function of transportation system
  • Data collection: travel demand and characteristics survey
  • Technical analysis: forecasting of trip demand and traffic volume, development of traffic models, scenario evaluation

Transportation Project Planning and Evaluation

  • Public-private-partnership (PPP)
  • Transportation project planning process
  • Financial planning
  • Evaluation of social and economic benefit

Introductory Transportation Network

  • Transportation network problems: trip generation, demand matrix estimation, traffic assignment, network design (with traffic signal, arterial, road expansion etc.)
  • Introduction to related model development in transportation network
  • Problem formulation in mathematical model 

Core ability

By the completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Analyze the characteristics of various transportation industry and their interrelationship
  • Analyze the demand and characteristics of travelers in transportation system
  • Engage in planning transportation projects
  • Evaluate the performance of transportation planning scenarios
  • Develop traffic and transportation models, analyze the characteristics of transportation network, and evaluate the performance of transportation network system

Job market

  • Civil servants
  • Transportation Planners or Engineers in consultancy companies
  • Traffic and Transportation related industry (for traveler or freight transportation)
Job title:    Traffic and transportation planner or engineer, Actuarial consultant, Research associate
 Job nature:     Transportation planning, project proposal, project writing, project presentation, statistical analysis, scenario evaluation, marketing


 Job title:       Town planners and developers, Architect, Traffic and transportation planner or engineer
Job nature:
  • Assist owners in analysis and evaluation for urban renewal projects, communication integration, contract and appointment etc.
  • Associated with urban renewal projects, meeting the needs of landlords and property owners
  • Responsible for business negotiations, integration and tracking project progress, etc.