吳昆峯 Kun−Feng (Ken) Wu 教授
吳昆峯 Kun−Feng (Ken) Wu 教授
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57209





國立交通大學運輸與物流管理學系 副教授
國家運輸安全調查委員會 兼任委員
美國運輸研究委員會(Transportation Research Board)統計方法委員會(Statistical Methods) 委員 (2014-2023)
美國運輸研究委員會(Transportation Research Board)大型車輛安全委員會(Truck and Bus Safety) 委員 (2014-2022)
東亞運輸學會國際科學委員會 委員 (2017-2021)
Associate Editor, International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), Elsevier (2020-2023)
中華民國道路協會道路安全及運輸委員會 委員 (2020-2021)

美國交通部/國家科學研究委員會 合聘研究員
美國賓州州立大學運輸研究中心 博士後研究員
美國賓州州立大學運輸研究中心 研究助理
國立台灣大學經濟學系 助教
國土規劃中心 助理研究員
台新銀行法人金融事業群 儲備幹部

第48屆 APEC 運輸工作會議 – 軌道及道路安全專家小組代表
第45屆 APEC 運輸工作會議 – 軌道及道路安全專家小組代表
第44屆 APEC 運輸工作會議 – 軌道及道路安全專家小組代表
第42屆 APEC 運輸工作會議 – 軌道及道路安全專家小組代表
中華民國運輸學會兩岸事務委員會 委員及執行秘書
中華民國運輸學會學術委員會 執行秘書
運輸學刊 執行編輯
教育部交通安全教育評鑑 評鑑委員



  1. 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫「利用自然駕駛資料探討行駛環境對駕駛人失誤及失誤對事故的影響」,2019– 2021.
  2. 國立交通大學108年度標竿期刊論文獎勵,2019.
  3. 國立交通大學107年度標竿期刊論文獎勵,2018.
  4. 科技部103年度「邁向頂尖大學計畫」新進教師增能計畫 (發展以安全駕駛行為為主的國道客運安全管理模式)
  5. 國立交通大學103年度標竿期刊論文獎勵,2014.
  6. 科技部102年度「邁向頂尖大學計畫」新進教師增能計畫(建構以針對特定事故型態為主的交通安全改善策略)
  7. 科技部延攬特殊優秀人才,2013 – 2016.
  8. 美國運輸研究委員會最佳論文獎 (TRB Best Paper Award, Transportation Research Board Truck and Bus Safety Committee), 2013.
  9. 美國國家科學研究委員會獎學金 (Research Associateship Program, National Research Council, The National Academies of Sciences), 2012 – 2013.
  10. Student and Young Researcher Awards, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Commercial Vehicle Operations, 2011.
  11. Best Paper of the Year Award, The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 2010.
  12. Leo P. Russell Graduate Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008−2009.


  1. Member, Committee on Statistical Methods (ABJ80), Transportation Research Board, The National Academy of Sciences. (2014-2020)
  2. Member, Committee on Truck and Bus Safety (ANB70), Transportation Research Board, The National Academy of Sciences. (2014-2022)
  3. Member, International Scientific Committee, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS). (2015-2021)
  4. Journal reviewer for Accident Analysis and Prevention
  5. Journal reviewer for Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE)
  6. Journal reviewer for Transport Policy
  7. Journal reviewer for Transportation Research Part C
  8. Journal reviewer for Traffic Injury Prevention
  9. Journal reviewer for Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
  10. Reviewer for Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Safety Management Committee (ANB10)
  11. Reviewer for Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Statistics Committee (ABJ80)
  12. Reviewer for Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Safety Data, Research, and Analysis Committee (ANB20)
  13. Conference reviewer for The Transportation Research Board’s International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation
  14. Conference reviewer for International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design
英文著作English Publication

Published Refereed Journal Paper

  1. Wu, K., Ardiansyah, M.N., Jovanis, P. P.  (2021). Development and Initial Testing of a Time-Related Road Safety Analysis Structure. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, in press. 
  2. Wu, K., Wang, L. (2020). Exploring the Combined Effects of Driving Situations on Freeway Rear-end Crash Risk Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, in press. 
  3. Wu, K., Lin, P.J. (2020). Using On-board Video Data for Safety Analysis – An Analysis of Right Hook Crashes Involving Large Buses at Signalized Intersections. IATSS Research (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences), in press.   
  4. Wu, K., Aguero−Valverde, J., Donnell, E.T., (2019). A multivariate random parameter crash frequency model for exploring the associations between shoulder rumble strips on different crash types. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, in press.
  5. Wu, K., Lin, Y-J (2019). Exploring the Effects of Critical Driving Situations on Driver Perception Time (PT) Using SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 128, pp. 94−102. 
  6. Wang, S.Y., Wu, K. (2019). Reducing intercity bus crashes through driver rescheduling. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 122, pp. 25−35.
  7. Wu, K.F., Ardiansyah, N., Ye, W.J. (2018). An Evaluation Scheme for Assessing the Effectiveness of Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) on Improving Traffic Safety. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17;19(2):179-183.
  8. Wu, K.F., Sasidharan, L., Thor, C.P., Chen, S.Y. (2018). Crash sequence based risk matrix for motorcycle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 117, pp.21-31.
  9. Huang, K.C., Wu, K.F., Ardiansyah, M.N. (2018). A stochastic dairy transportation problem considering collection and delivery phases. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, in press.
  10. Chang, H.L, Ye, W.J, Wu, K.F. (2017). The Effect of Trust on Driver’s Response to Advanced Driver Assistance System and Its Affecting Factors: A Case Study of IMA. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Volume 12, p.p. 1917-1930.
  11. Wu, K., Thor, P.C., Ardiansyah, M.N. (2016). Identify Sequence of Events Likely to Result in Severe Crash Outcomes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 96, pp. 198−207.
  12. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2016). Cohort-Based Analysis Structure for Modeling Driver Behavior Using an In-Vehicle Data Recorder. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, in press.
  13. Aguero−Valverde, J., Wu, K., Donnell, E.T., (2016). A Multivariate Spatial Crash Frequency Model for Identifying Sites with Promise based on Crash Types. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 87, pp. 8−16.
  14. Sasidharan, L., Wu, K., Menendez, M. (2015). Exploring the Application of Latent Class Cluster Analysis for Investigating Pedestrian Crash Injury Severities. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 85, pp. 219−228.
  15. Wu, K., Thor, P.C. (2015). Method for Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data to Analyze Rear-end Crash Sequences. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2518, pp. 27-36.
  16. Wu, K., Aguero−Valverde, J., Jovanis, P.P. (2014). Using Naturalistic Driving Data to Explore the Association between Traffic Safety-related Events and Crash Risk at Driver Level. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 72, pp. 210−218.
  17. Wu, K., Donnell, E.T., Aguero−Valverde, J. (2014). Relating crash frequency and severity: evaluating the effectiveness of shoulder rumble strips on reducing fatal and major injury crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 67, pp. 86−95.
  18. Wu, K., Donnell, E.T., Himes, S.C., Lekshimi, S. (2013). Exploring the Association between Traffic Safety and Geometric Design Consistency Based on Vehicle Speed Metrics. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 139(7), pp. 738–748.
  19. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2013). Screening and Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2386, pp. 137−146.
  20. Wu, K., Himes, S.C., Pietrucha, M.T. (2013). Examining Fatal Crash Reductions by First Harmful Events Since the Introduction of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2364, pp. 51−61.
  21. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2013). Defining, Screening, and Validating Crash Surrogate Events Using Naturalistic Driving Data.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 61, pp. 10−22.
  22. Wu, K., Himes, S.C., Pietrucha, M.T. (2012). An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2318, pp. 23−34.
  23. Jovanis, P.P., Wu, K., Chen, C. (2012). Effects of Hours of Service and Driving Patterns on Motor Carrier Crashes. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2281, pp. 119−127.
  24. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2012). Crashes and crash-surrogate events: Exploratory modeling with naturalistic driving data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 45, pp. 507−516.
  25. Jovanis, P.P., Aguero−Valverde, J., Wu, K., Shankar, V. (2011). Naturalistic Driving Event Data Analysis: Omitted Variable Bias and Multilevel Modeling Approaches. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2236, pp. 49−57.
  26. Lin, C.C., Jou, R.C., Wu, K. (2010).  The Impact of Income on Airfare Pricing. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 9(1), pp. 11−27.
  27. Chen, C.C., Jou, R.C., Wu, K. (2009).  A Study on the Factors Influencing Accident  Likelihood of Taxi Drivers. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 21(4), 487−502.

Conference Prodceedings

  1. Wu, K., and Lin, P.J. (2019). Using On-board Video Data for Safety Analysis –An Analysis of Right Hook Crashes Involving Large Buses at Signalized Intersections. The 98th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.
  2. Wu, K., Ardiansyah, M.N., Paul P. Jovanis, Hsin-Li Chang (2019). Utilizing In-vehicle Data Recorder (IVDR) Data to Model Driver Crash Risk over Time While Driving. The 98th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.
  3. Wang, S.Y. and Wu, K (2018). Reducing Intercity Bus Crashes through Driver Rescheduling. Road Safety on Five Continents.
  4. Lin, Y.J. and Wu, K. (2018). Exploring the Effects of Driving Environment on Driver Perception Time (PT) Using SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Data. Road Safety on Five Continents.
  5. Wu, K., Ardiansyah, M.N., Ye, W.J. (2017). An Evaluation Scheme for Assessing the Effectiveness of Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) on Improving Traffic Safety. The 96th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.
  6. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2016). A Cohort-based Analysis Structure for Modeling Driver Behavior Using an In-Vehicle Data Recorder. 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  7. Wu, K., Thor, P.C. (2015). Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data to Study Freeway Rear-end Crash Sequences. 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  8. Sasidharan, L., Wu, K., Menendez, M. (2015). Exploring the Application of Latent Class Cluster Analysis for Investigating Pedestrian Crash Injury Severities in Switzerland. 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  9. Wu, K., Joyosuyono, M. (2014). Analysis of The Influence of Social, Economic, and Infrastructure Factors on Country Logistics Performance. The 5th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2014). Bangkok, Thailand.
  10. Wu, K., Anam, M. (2014). Is the Quality a Country’s Logistics Contagious to its Major Trading Partners? A Perspective from Global Supply Chain Management. The 5th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2014). Bangkok, Thailand.
  11. Wu, K., Thor, P.C., Jovanis, P.P. (2014). A Systemic Framework for Studying Traffic Crash Sequence Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data. The Fourth International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research. Blacksburg, Virginia.
  12. Jovanis, P.P., Wu, K. (2013). A Cohort-Based Data Structure Design for Analyzing Crash Risk Using Naturalistic Driving Data. Driving Assessment 2013: Proceedings of the 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. Bolton Landing New York.
  13. Wu, K., Himes, S.C., Pietrucha, M.T. (2013). Examining Fatal Crash Reductions by First Harmful Events Since the Introduction of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program. 92th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  14. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2013). Screening and Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data. 92th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  15. Wu, K., Himes, S.C., Pietrucha, M.T., (2012). An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program. 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  16. Jovanis, P.P., Wu, K., Chen, C. (2012). Effects of Hours of Service and Driving Patterns on Motor Carrier Crashes. 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  17. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2011). Defining, Screening, and Validating Crash Surrogate Events Using Naturalistic Driving Data. 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis.
  18. Wu, K., Jovanis, P.P. (2011). Effect of Driving Breaks and 34−hour Restart on Motor Carrier Crash Odds. 2011 Driver Assessment Conference, Lake Tahoe, California.
  19. Jovanis, P.P., Aguero−Valverde, J., Wu, K., Shankar, V. (2011). Naturalistic Driving Event Data Analysis: Omitted Variable Bias and Multilevel Modeling Approaches.” 2011. 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  20. Wu, K. (2009). Analyzing Crash Contributing Factors Using Naturalistic Driving Data. College of Engineering Research Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 

Technical Reports

  1. Jovanis, P.P., Wu, K., Chen, C., (2011).Hours of Service and Driver Fatigue: Driver Characteristics Research.U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, FMCSA−RRR−11−018. 
  2. Jovanis, P.P., Shankar, V., Aguero−Valverde, J., Wu, K., Greenstein, A. (2010).Analysis of Existing Data: Prospective Views on Methodological Paradigms. The Strategic Highway Research Program 2, Transportation Research Board of National Academy of Sciences. 
  3. Jovanis, P.P., Aguero−Valverde, J., Wu, K. (2008). Statewide Crash Analysis and Forecasting. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, FHWA−PA−2008−014−510401−013. 
  4. Wu, K. (2005).Education Regulation and The Average Cost Per Student: Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Schools.Master thesis, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University.


  1. “Road Traffic Safety Challenges and Opportunities in Taiwan.” 2019. Presented at the Joint Seminar of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Tokyo, Japan.
  2. “Using On-board Video Data for Safety Analysis –An Analysis of Right Hook Crashes Involving Large Buses at Signalized Intersections.” 2018. Presented at The 98th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Poster).
  3. “Utilizing In-vehicle Data Recorder (IVDR) Data to Model Driver Crash Risk over Time While Driving.” 2018. Presented at The 98th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Lectern).
  4. “Exploring the effects of driving environment on driver perception time (PT) using SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data.” 2018. Presented at The 18th International Conference Road Safety on Five Continents, Jeju, Korea. 
  5. “Reducing traffic crash risk through driver rescheduling a case study on intercity bus drivers.” 2018. Presented at The 18th International Conference Road Safety on Five Continents Jeju, Korea. 
  6. “A Cohort-based Analysis Structure for Modeling Driver Behavior Using an In-Vehicle Data Recorder.” 2016. Presented at 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Poster).
  7. “Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data to Study Freeway Rear-end Crash Sequences.” 2015. Presented at 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Lectern).
  8. “Exploring the Application of Latent Class Cluster Analysis for Investigating Pedestrian Crash Injury Severities in Switzerland.” 2015. Presented at 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting(Poster).
  9. “The Importance of Facilitating Comparisons across Studies When Screening NDS Data for Crash Surrogates.” 2014. Presented at the “Statistical Challenges in the Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data” section at 93th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (invited talk).
  10. “The Way Forward of EASTS: From a Young Researcher’s Perspectives,” presented at 2013 International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) (invited panelist).
  11. “Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) Database Workshop.” 2013. Conducted at Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
  12. “Identifying and Screening Crash Surrogates Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data.” 2013. Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, University of Michigan.
  13. “Screening Naturalistic Driving Data for Crash Surrogates.” 2013. Department seminar, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech.
  14. “Did the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program Help Reduce Fatal Crashes in the United States?” 2013. Presented at Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center.
  15. “Screening Naturalistic Driving Data for Crash Surrogates.” 2013. Presented at 92th Transportation Research Board Surrogate Subcommittee Meeting (ANB20(3)).
  16. “Examining Fatal Crash Reductions by First Harmful Events since the Introduction of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program.” 2013. Presented at 92th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Poster).
  17. “Screening and Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data.” 2013. Presented at 92th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Poster).
  18. “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program.” 2013. Presented at Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Safety.
  19. “Traffic Safety Policy in the United States.” 2012. Presented at National Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, and Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communication (Taiwan).
  20. “Naturalistic Driving Studies and Their Applications.” 2012. Presented at National Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, and Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communication (Taiwan).
  21. “Traffic Safety Research, Engineering, and Management.” 2012. Guest lecturer, presented at Undergraduate Traffic Engineering Course, National Cheng Kung University, Department of Transportation and Communication Management.
  22. “Crash Surrogate Analysis Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data.” 2012. Presented at University of Maryland.
  23. “Traffic Safety Research − From Macroscopic to Microscopic.” 2012. Presented at Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
  24. “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program.” 2012. Presented at 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
  25. “Effects of Hours of Service and Driving Patterns on Motor Carrier Crashes.” 2012. Presented at 91th Transportation Research Board Truck and Bus Safety Data Needs Subcommittee Meeting.
  26. “Effects of Hours of Service and Driving Patterns on Motor Carrier Crashes.” 2012. Presented at 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Poster).
  27. “Defining, Screening, and Validating Crash Surrogate Events Using Naturalistic Driving Data.” 2011. Presented at TRB 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation.
  28. “Effect of Driving Breaks and 34−hour Restart on Motor Carrier Crash Odds.” 2011. Presented at 2011 Driver Assessment Conference, Lake Tahoe, California. (Poster and lectern session).
  29. “Exploring the Association between Traffic Safety and Geometric Design Consistency Based on Vehicle Speed Metrics.” 2011. Presented at 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Poster).
  30. “Analyzing Naturalistic Driving Data.” 2010. Guest lecturer, presented at Transportation Safety Analysis Seminar, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  31. “Analyzing Traffic Safety Using Multivariate Poisson Log−Normal Model.” 2010. Guest lecturer, presented at Advanced Transportation Safety Analysis Seminar, National Chi Nan University, Department of Civil Engineering.
  32. “The Promise of Naturalistic Driving Event Data.” 2009. Presented at 15th annual Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, The Pennsylvania State University.
  33. “Analyzing Crash Contributing Factors.” 2009. Presented at College of Engineering Research Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University.
  34. “Naturalistic Driving Data Analysis and Crash Contributing Factors.” 2008. Presented at 14th annual Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, The Pennsylvania State University.
中文著作Chinese Publication
研究計畫Research Projects
  1. 利用自然駕駛資料探討行駛環境對駕駛人失誤及失誤對事故的影響(科技部)(計畫主持人)
  2. APEC區域機車傷亡統計及事故調查項目定義之參考手冊 (Developing Guidelines for Motorcycle Crash Data Collection and Reporting in the APEC Region)(計畫主持人)
  3. 105-108年度道路交通安全觀測指標(交通部)(計畫主持人)
  4. 我國公共運輸車聯網車路整合系統之實驗情境設計與安全效益評估(交通部研究案, 工研院資通所分包研究計畫)(計畫主持人)
  5. 107年度市區道路車道配置及車道度對交通安全與車流效率之影響評估案 (內政部營建署)(計畫主持人)
  6. 駕駛行為分析工具開發及 行為特性探討(交通部)(計畫主持人)
  7. 整合多層級之駕駛人事故風險模式 – 車載影像及數位行車紀錄器資料之應用(106年度科技部專題研究計畫(兩年期計畫))(計畫主持人)
  8. 105年度市區道路車道配置及車道度對交通安全與車流效率之影響評估案 (內政部營建署)(計畫主持人)
  9. 高速公路智慧交通資訊平台開發-整合eTag資料與4G車機之技術 (科技部)(共同計畫主持人)
  10. 國道客運駕駛員人因結構特性之安全駕駛行為分析 (科技部)(共同計畫主持人)
  11. 智慧型運輸系統於道路交通安全之應用 -Left-turn Assist (LTA) 與 Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL) 系統效益評估分析 (工研院資通所分包研究計畫)(計畫主持人)
  12. 道路交通安全觀測指標研究 (交通部)(協同主持人)
  13. 公路公共運輸發展辦公室 (交通部公路總局)(協同主持人)
  14. 北區區域運輸發展研究中心 (交通部運輸研究所)(協同主持人)
  15. 由事故發生過程解構事故前兆 – 以國道客運為例 (104年度科技部專題研究計畫(兩年期計畫))(計畫主持人)
  16. 運用智慧型運輸系統改善道路交通安全-IMA系統效益評估分析 (工研院資通所分包研究計畫)(計畫主持人)
  17. 大臺北都會區市區公車費率結構調整研究案 (協同主持人)
  18. 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:都市交通安全與永續經營(交通管理領域)(科技部)(共同主持人)
  19. 道路交通安全管理(ISO 39001)規範之初探 (交通部運輸研究所)(協同主持人)
  20. 中央推動公路公共運輸永續發展之財務機制研議 (交通部運輸研究所)(協同主持人)
  21. 如何確認可有效減少嚴重傷亡事故的對策或工程,及確認最有效的施行地點? (103年度科技部專題研究計畫)(計畫主持人)
  22. 建構以針對特定事故型態為主的交通安全改善策略 (102年度科技部專題研究計畫)(計畫主持人)
  23. 道路交通安全改善方案之發展與評估方法之研究 (交通部運輸研究所)(協同主持人)
  24. 車輛行車事故鑑定及覆議作業績效改進與評鑑準則訂定之研究 (交通部公路總局公路人員訓練所) (研究人員)
  25. Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Data and Highway Safety Information System to Advance Highway Crash Data Modeling Concepts and Methods, Sponsor: Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation. Principle Investigator. July 2012 –July 2013.
  26. Study of the Effect of Digital Billboards on Traffic Safety in Pennsylvania, Sponsor: Outdoor Advertising Association of America. September 2010 − June 2012.
  27. In−Vehicle Driving Behavior Field Study, for the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2), Sponsor: Transportation Research Board of National Academy of Sciences. September 2009 − June 2012.
  28. Factors Affecting Motor Carrier Crash Risk, Sponsor: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, United States Department of Transportation. September 2010 − April 2011.
  29. Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent Data, for the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2), Sponsor: Transportation Research Board of National Academy of Sciences. September 2007 − July 2010.
  30. Choice of Lane and Shoulder width Combinations to Maximize Safety Effectiveness on Two−lane Undivided Roads, Sponsor: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. September 2007 − May 2008.
  31. Statewide Crash Analysis and Forecasting, Sponsor: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. May 2008 − November 2008.