- 聯絡Contact
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57214
- 專業領域Expertise
(天然災害, 配送, 都市, 易腐性產品, 危險物質)物流最佳化
資料包絡分析法(DEA)建模- 學歷Education
美國康乃爾大學 運輸系統工程 博士, 08.2001
國立交通大學 交通運輸研究所 碩士, 06 1990
國立成功大學 交通管理科學系 學士, 06 1988- 經歷Experience
日本東京工業大學 國際開發工學科 訪問學者
國立東華大學 運籌管理研究所 助理教授、副教授、教授
加拿大蒙特婁大學 運輸研究中心 博士後研究員
中興工程顧問股份有限公司 運輸規劃師
短期訪問 Short-Term Visiting
• Department of Management Science & Engineering, Qingdao University, China (Jul. 2013)
• School of Economics, Renmin University of China, China (Jul. 2013)
• Department of Management Science & Engineering, Qingdao University, China (Aug. 2012)
• Department of Management Science, Fudan University, China (Aug. 2012)
• Department of Industrial & Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (Aug. 2012)
• Department of Industrial & Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (Dec. 2011)
• Department of Management Science, Fudan University, China (Aug. 2011)
• Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan (Jul. 2011)
• National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan (Sep. 2010)
• School of Economics, Renmin University of China, China (May 2009)
• Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (Jun. 2008)
- 英文著作English Publication
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Linda K. Nozick and Mark A. Turnquist (2005). Multiobjective Path-finding in Stochastic Dynamic Networks, with Application to Routing Hazardous Materials Shipments, Transportation Science, 39(3), 383-399.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Yat-wah Wan, and Shu-Chuan Wu (2007). An Investigation on the Optimal Operations Policy of a Cross-Docking Operating System, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, 19(1), 59-88.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang (2008). Best Routes Selection in International Intermodal Networks, Computers & Operations Research, 35(9), 2877-2891.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Yi-Fang Liao (2008). Path Finding with Stowage Planning Consideration in a Mixed Pickup-Delivery and Specified-Node Network, Transportation Research Part E, 44(6), 970-985.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Yat-wah Wan and Wei Tsang OOI (2009). A Stochastic Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem with Hard Time Windows, European Journal of Operational Research, 198(3), 748-759.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang (2009). Decision Support for Truckload Carriers in One-Shot Combinatorial Auctions, Transportation Research Part B, 43(5), 522-541.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Yi-Fang Liao (2011). Routing Strategies for Integrating Forward Distribution and Reverse Collection, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, 971-981.
- Quanling Wei and Tsung-Sheng Chang (2011). Optimal System Design Series-Network DEA Models, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, 1109-1119.
- Quanling Wei and Tsung-Sheng Chang (2011). DEA-Type Models for Designing Optimal Systems and Determining Optimal Budgets, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54, 2645-2658.
- Quanling Wei and Tsung-Sheng Chang (2011). Optimal Profit-Maximizing System Design Data Envelopment Analysis Models, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61, 1275-1284.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Hui-Mei Yen (2012). City-Courier Routing and Scheduling Problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 223(2), 489-498.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Kaoru Tone and Quanling Wei (2014). Ownership-Specified Network DEA Models, Annals of Operations Research, 214, 73-98.
- Quanling wei, Tsung-Sheng Chang and Song Han (2014). Quantile-DEA Classifiers with Interval Data, Annals of Operations Research, 217, 535-563.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Kaoru Tone and Chen-Hui Wu (2015). Past-Present-Future Intertemporal DEA Models, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66, 16-32.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Kaoru Tone and Chen-Hui Wu (2016). DEA Models Incorporating Uncertain Future Performance, European Journal of Operational Research, 254, 532-549.
Conference Paper
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Ya-Ching Lin (2011). Integrated Scheduling of Production and Distribution for Perishable Foods. International Symposium on Scheduling 2011, July 2-4, Osaka, Japan.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Kaoru Tone and Quanling Wei (2010). Ownership-Specified Network DEA Models. The 2010 ORSJ Conference, September 16-17, Fukushima, Japan.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Sian-Da Wang (2010). Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems. The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, July 25-28, Awaji Island, Japan.
- Quanling Wei and Tsung-Sheng Chang (2010). Optimal System Design Parallel-Network DEA Models. The 4th Symposium on Data Envelopment Analysis, January 19-21, Jiaosi, Taiwan.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Yi-Fang Liao (2007). A Mixed Pickup-Delivery Shortest Path Problem Visiting Specified Nodes. The twelfth MSOM conference, the annual meeting of the INFORMS Society on Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, June 18-19, Beijing, China.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang (2006). Decision Support for Truckload Carriers in One-Shot Combinatorial Auctions. The annual meeting of Association of Chinese Management Educators (ACME), July 27-29, Honolulu U.S.A.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang and Yat-wah Wan (2005). A Stochastic Dynamic Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows: An Application to Just-In-Time Trucking Service. The First International Conference on Transportation Logistics (T-LOG 2005), July 27-29, Singapore.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Michel Gendreau (2002). Dynamic Bidding Strategies in On-Line Sequential Auctions. The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5), October 23-27, Montreal, Canada.
- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Michel Gendreau (2002). Dynamic Advisors for Freight Carriers for Bidding in Combinatorial Auctions. The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5), October 23-27, Montreal, Canada.
- 中文著作Chinese Publication
- 研究計畫Research Projects
年份 委託單位 計畫名稱 2016 科技部 天然災害應急物流(第三年/共三年) 2015 科技部 天然災害應急物流(第二年/共三年) 2014 科技部 天然災害應急物流(第一年/共三年) 2013 科技部 易腐性食品之運籌(3/3)(第三年/共三年)