藍武王 Lawrence Lan 榮譽退休教授(95.8.1-100.7.31)
藍武王 Lawrence Lan 榮譽退休教授(95.8.1-100.7.31)

Econometric Modeling and Forecasting
Transportation Economics
Traffic Flow Studies




2011: Best paper award for theoretical development, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
2010: Paper Award, China Road Federation
2007-lifetime: Emeritus Professor of National Chiao Tung University
2007: First-grade Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Transportation
2004: First-Grade Thesis Award, DHL Supply Chain Management
2003: Research Award in Mass Transportation
2002: Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
2002: Outstanding Research Award in Mass Transportation
1999: Paper Award, China Road Federation
1997: Paper Award, China Road Federation
1993: Paper Award, Taipei Society for Traffic Safety
1993: Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
1993: Paper Award, China Road Federation
1992: Outstanding Research Award, Sun Yat-Sen Institute of Policy Studies
1990: Paper Award, China Road Federation
1983-1986: ROC Government Fellowships, Ph.D. Study at University of California, USA.
1981-2000: Research Award, National Science Council (1981、1982、1988、1990、1993、1995、1996、1997、1998、1999、2000)
1980: Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering

英文著作English Publication
  1. 2008-Present: Associate Editor, International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation 
  2. 2004-Present: Associate Editor, Transportmetrica (SSCI)
  3. 2010-2012: Editor-in-chief, Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management
  4. 2008-2009: Guest Editor, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 
  5. 2006-2007: Guest Editor, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SSCI)
  6. 1996-2002: Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI)
  7. Lin, Hsien Tang and Lawrence W. Lan (forthcoming), “A New Interactive Guiding System with SNS Services at Exhibition,” The Electronic Library (SSCI) IF=0.500.
  8. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, and Yu-Ting Lee (forthcoming) “Benchmarking hotel industry in a multi-period context with DEA approaches: A case study,” Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  9. Lin, Zih-Shin, Chih-Cheng Hsu, Yu-Chiun Chiou and Lawrence W. Lan(2013.09) “Exploring Traffic Patterns and Phase Transitions with Cellular Automaton,” Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 4.
  10. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, and Yu-Ting Lee (2013.02) “Factors hindering acceptance of using cloud services in university: A case study,” The Electronic Library, Vol. 31, No. 1 (SSCI) IF=0.500.
  11. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan and Kai-Lin Chang (2013.02), “Sustainable Consumption, Production and Infrastructure Construction for Operating and Planning Intercity Passenger Transport Systems,” Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 40, pp. 13-21 (SCI), IF=2.727.
  12. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan, Wen-Pin Chen (2013.01), “A two-stage mining framework to explore key risk conditions on one-vehicle crash severity,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 50, pp. 405-415 (NSC 97-2628-E-009-035-MY3) (SCI) IF=1.867.
  13. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, and Yu-Ting Lee (2012.10), “Critiquing the World Economic Forum’ concept of destination competitiveness: A further analysis,” Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 4, pp. 198-206.
  14. Lin, Erwin T. J., Lawrence W. Lan and Jeng-Cheng Chang (2012.10), “Measuring Railway Efficiencies with Consideration of Input Congestion,” Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 315-323 (NSC 98-2221-E-451-014).
  15. Lin, Erwin T. J., Lawrence W. Lan and Y. C. Shih (2012.06), “Using Bayesian stochastic frontier analysis to examine province-based productive efficiencies in China,” Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 47-62 (NSC 98-2221-E-451-014).
  16. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, and Yu-Ting Lee (2012.04) “Exploring the critical pillars and causal relations within the NRI: An innovative approach,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 218, No.1, pp. 230-238 (SCIE) IF=1.815.
  17. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan, and Barbara T. H. Yen (2012.03), “Route-based data envelopment analysis models,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 415-425 (NSC 98-2221-E-233-009-MY3) (SSCI) IF=1.648.
  18. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan, Chun-Ming Tseng, and Chih-Chao Fan (2012.03), “Optimal Locations of License Plate Recognition to Enhance the Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation,” Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 80-92.
  19. Lin, Hsien Tang and Lawrence W. Lan (2012.02), “An Exhibition Guiding System with Enhanced Interactive Functions,” The Electronic Library, Vol. 30, No. 1 pp. 120-133 (SSCI) IF=0.500.
  20. Lin, Zen-Pin, Yi-Hung Chen, Fan Chia, Huey-June Wu, Lawrence W. Lan, Jaung-Geng Lin (2011.12) “Effects of auricular acupuncture on heart rate, oxygen consumption and blood lactic acid for elite basketball athletes,” The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp.1131-1138 (SCI) IF=1.979.
  21. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan and Yu-Ting Lee (2011.12) “Exploring decisive factors affecting an organization’s SaaS adoption: A case study,” International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp.556–563 (SSCI) IF=1.532.
  22. Wang, Ming-Jyh, Chieh-Hua Wen and Lawrence W. Lan (2011.10), “New car owners’ repurchase behaviors on physical damage coverage insurance policies in Taiwan,” Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 98-111.
  23. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, and Yu-Ting Lee (2011.09) “Exploring crucial features of Kansei hybrid cuisine design: Rough set approach,” International Journal of Kansei Information, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.157-166.
  24. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan, Yow-Mow Chen, Yu-Ting Lee (2011.06) “Kansei product design for new product development: Duo-theme DEMATEL approach,” International Journal of Kansei Information, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.61-70.
  25. Wu, Wei-Wen, Lawrence W. Lan and Yu-Ting Lee (2011.03) “Exploring Causal Relationships and Critical Factors Affecting a Country’s ICT Global Competitiveness,” Progress in Business Innovation & Technology Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-12.
  26. Tseng, Ming-Lang, Lawrence W. Lan, Ray Wang, Anthony Chiu, Hui-Ping Cheng (2011.03), “Using Hybrid Method to Evaluate the Green Performance in Uncertainty,” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 175, Nos. 1-4, pp. 367-385 (SCI) IF=1.400.
  27. Lin, Zen-Pin, Yi-Hung Chen, Fan Chia, Huey-June Wu, Lawrence W. Lan, Jaung-Geng Lin (2011.01) “Episodes of Injuries and Frequent Usage of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Taiwanese Elite Wrestling Athletes,” The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 233-241 (SCI) IF=1.979.
  28. Lin, Erwin T.J., Lawrence W. Lan and Cathy S.T. Hsu (2010.10), “Assessing the On-road Route Efficiency for an Air-Express Courier,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 44, Issue 4, pp. 256-266 (SCI) IF=0.643.
  29. Wang, Ming-Jyh, Chieh-Hua Wen and Lawrence W. Lan (2010), “Modelling Different Types of Bundled Automobile Insurance Choice Behaviour: The Case of Taiwan,” Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice, Vol. 35, Issue 2, pp. 290-308 (SSCI) IF=0.533.
  30. Wen, Chieh-Hua, Lawrence W. Lan and Hsiang-Yi Lee (2010), “Effects of Temporally Differential Fares on Taipei Metro Travelers’ Mode and Time-of-day Choices,” International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 97–118 (SSCI) IF=0.345.
  31. Lan, Lawrence W., Yu-Chiun Chiou, Zih-Shin Lin, Chih-Cheng Hsu (2010), “Cellular Automaton Simulations for Mixed Traffic with Erratic Motorcycles’ Behaviours,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 389, No. 10, pp. 2077-2089 (NSC 95-2211-E-009-322-MY3) (SCI) IF=1.373.
  32. Lin, Erwin T. J., Lawrence W. Lan and Agnes K. Y. Chiu (2010), “Measuring Transport Efficiency with Adjustment of Accidents: Case of Taipei Bus Transit,” Transportmetrica, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp.79-96 (SSCI)IF=1.062.
  33. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan and Barbara T. H. Yen (2010), “Joint Measurement of Efficiency and Effectiveness for Non-storable Commodities: Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 201, Issue 2, pp. 477-489 (NSC98-2221-E-233-009-MY3) (SCIE) IF=1.815.
  34. Lan, Lawrence W., Feng-Yu Lin and April Y. Kuo (2010), “Three Novel Methods to Predict Traffic Time Series in Reconstructed State Spaces,” International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 16-35 (NSC-91-2211-E-009-048; NSC 92-2211-E-009-058).
  35. Huang, Yi-San and Lawrence W. Lan (2009), “Exploring Traffic Phenomena with Modified Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process Approach,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, pp.1643-1657.
  36. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan and Chun-Ming Tseng (2009), “Estimation of Dynamic Freeway Origin-Destination Matrices with Cell-based Arrival Distribution Modeling,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, 336-349.
  37. Chiou, Yu-Chiun, Lawrence W. Lan and Wen-Pin Chen (2009), “Contributory Factors to Crash Severity in Taiwan Freeways: Genetic Mining Rule Approach,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, 1837-1849.
  38. Lin, Zen-Pin, Lawrence W. Lan, Tsung-Ying He, Shi-Pin Lin, Jaung-Geng Lin, Tsong-Rong Jang and Tsung-Jung Ho (2009), “Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation on Recovery Ability of Male Elite Basketball Athletes,” The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 471-481 (SCI) IF=1.979.
  39. Lan, Lawrence W., Yu-Chiun Chiou, Zih-Shin Lin and Chih-Cheng Hsu, (2009), “A refined cellular automaton model to rectify impractical vehicular movement behavior,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 388, Issue 18, pp.3917-3930 (NSC 95-2211-E-009-322-MY3) (SCI) IF=1.373.
  40. Lin, Kuo-Ming, Chia-Ming Chang, Zen-Pin Lin, Ming-Lang Tseng andLawrence W Lan (2009), “Application of Experiential Marketing Strategy to Identify Factors Affecting Guests’ Leisure Behaviour in Taiwan Hot-Spring Hotel,” WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Vol. 6, Issue 5, pp.229-240 (SCImago, EI).
  41. Tseng, Ming-Lang, Jui Hsiang Chiang and Lawrence W. Lan (2009), “Selection of Optimal Supplier in Supply Chain Management Strategy with Analytic Network Process and Choquet Integral,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp.330-340 (SCI) IF=1.589.
  42. Nijkamp, Peter, Jiuh-Biing Sheu and Lawrence W. Lan (2009), “At the Cross-roads of Efficiency and Sustainability: Editorial Introduction,” International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp. 209-214.
  43. Lin, Erwin T.J. and Lawrence W. Lan (2009), “Accounting for Accidents in the Measurement of Transport Inefficiency: A Case of Taiwanese Bus Transit,” International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp. 365-385.
  44. Sheu, Jiuh-Biing, Yi-San Huang and Lawrence W. Lan (2009), “A Real-time Recurrent Learning on Predicting Short-term Traffic Dynamics for Sustainable Management,” International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp. 330-350.
  45. Sheu, Jiuh-Biing, Lawrence W. Lan and Yi-San Huang (2009), “Short-term Prediction of Traffic Dynamics with Real-time Recurrent Learning Algorithms,” Transportmetrica, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 59-83 (SSCI) IF=1.062.
中文著作Chinese Publication
  1. 邱裕鈞、藍武王、許珮珊、曾群明 (2011.03) ,「應用格位傳送模式建構高速公路動態起迄矩陣推估演算法」,運輸學刊,23卷1期,97-128頁(NSC 96-2628-E-009-171-MY3)(TSSCI)
  2. 邱裕鈞、藍武王、鐘仁傑、許志誠、林日新(2010.06),「兩階段模糊邏輯控制之匝道儀控細胞自動機模擬」,運輸學刊,22卷2期,159-184頁(NSC95-2221-E-035-127-MY2; NSC95-2221-E-451-015-MY3)(TSSCI)