許巧鶯 Chaug-Ing Hsu 退休教授
許巧鶯 Chaug-Ing Hsu 退休教授

運輸系統分析 Transportation System Analysis
航空運輸 Air Transportation
物流系統分析 Logistics System Analysis
運輸規劃 Transportation Planning
運輸經濟 Transportation Economics
都市經濟 Urban Economics


Ph.D.,Transportation Engineering, University of California , Berkeley, U.S.A. (1985.08~1989.08)





國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系 教授兼系主任
Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Associate Professor, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Lecturer, Department of Transportation Technology and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Teaching Assistant, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

英文著作English Publication
  1. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Hui-Chieh Li, 2008, “An Integrated Plant Capacity and Production Planning Model for High-tech Manufacturing Firms with Economies of Scale,” International Journal of Production Economics. (SCI) (NSC 93-2416-H-009-005)(Paper accepted)
  2. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Hsien-Hung Shih, and Wei-Che Wang, 2008, “Applying RFID to Reduce Delay in Import Cargo Customs Clearance Process,” Computers & Industrial Engineering. (SCI, EI) (Accepted and in press) (NSC 94-2211-E-009-005)
  3. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Hsien-Hung Shih, 2008. 05, “Small-World Network Theory in the Study of Network Connectivity and Efficiency of Complementary International Airline Alliances,” Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 14, pp. 123-129. (SSCI)
  4. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Fu-Shan Lin and Hui-Chieh Li, 2007. 09, “The Optimal Sizes and Locations of Airport Parking Facilities Considering Demand-supply Interaction,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 7, pp. 3119-3132.
  5. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yu-Ping Hsieh, 2007. 04, “Routing, Ship Size, and Sailing Frequency Decision-making for a Maritime Hub-and-spoke Container Network,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 45, pp. 899-916. (SCI)
  6. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Sheng-Feng Hung and Hui-Chieh Li, 2007. 05, “Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-windows for Perishable Food Delivery,” Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 80, pp. 465-475. (SCI) (NSC 92-2416-H-009-014)
  7. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Che-Chang Hsu and Hui-Chieh Li, 2007, “Flight-delay Propagation, Allowing for Behavioral Response,” International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Vol. 3, pp. 301-326. (EI) (NSC 94-2211-E-009-005)
  8. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 2006.12, “CBD Oriented Commuters’ Mode and Residential Location Choices in an Urban Area with Surface Streets and Rail Transit Lines,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 4, pp.235-246. (SCI, SSCI) (NSC 91-2415-H-009-004)
  9. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Hui-Chieh Li, 2006, “Internet Store Markets with Respect to Time, Location and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Consumers,” International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 147-165. (NSC 93-2416-H-009-005)
  10. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Hui-Chieh Li, 2006. 11, “Optimal Delivery Service Strategy for Internet Shopping with Time-dependent Consumer Demand,” Transportation Research – part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 42, pp. 473-497. (SCI, SSCI) (NSC 93-2416-H-009-005)
  11. Yuh-Horng Wen and Chaug-Ing Hsu*, 2006. 10, “Interactive Multiobjective Programming in Airline Network Design for International Airline Code-share Alliance,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 174, pp. 404-426. (SCI, EI)(NSC 92-2211-E-009-041)
  12. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 2005. 12, “Airline Flight Frequency Determination in Response to Competitive Interactions Using Fuzzy Logic,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 42, pp. 1207-1224. (SCI) (NSC 92-2211-E-009-041)
  13.  Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yu-Ping Hsieh, 2005, “Direct versus Terminal Routing on a Maritime Hub-and-spoke Container Network,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 209-217. (EI) (NSC 90-2416-H-009-006)
  14. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Pei-Hui Lin, 2005. 07, “Performance Assessment for Airport Noise Charge Policies and Airline Network Adjustment Response,” Transportation Research – part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 10, pp. 281-304. (SCI, SSCI)(NSC 90-2211-E-009-036)
  15. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Yu-Chiang Chen and Hui-Chieh Li, 2005. 09, “A Model on Market Share Distribution between Air Transportation, High-speed Rail, and Automobiles,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 2003-2018. (NSC 91-2415-H-009-004)
  16. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yu-Ping Hsieh, 2005. 09, “Shipping Economic Analysis for Ultra Large Containership,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 936-951. (NSC 90-2416-H-009-006)
  17. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Patty Liao, Li-Hong Yang and Yu-Han Chen, 2005. 09, “High-tech Firms’ Perception and Demand for Air Cargo Logistics Services,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 2868-2880. (NSC 92-2815-C-009-028-H)
  18. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Ching-Cheng Chao, 2005. 09, “Scheduling Purchase and Renewal of International Airport Departure Facilities,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 736-751. (NSC 94-2211-E-009-005)
  19. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 2005. 09, “Externality Reductions in Residential Areas due to Rail Transit Networks,” The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 555-566. (SSCI) (NSC 91-2415-H-009-004) (NSC 89-2211-E-009-077)
  20. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Ching-Cheng Chao, 2005. 01, “Space Allocation for Commercial Activities at International Passenger Terminals,” Transportation Research – part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 29-51. (SCI, SSCI) (NSC 90-2211-E-009-036)
  21. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yu-Ping Hsieh, 2004. 04, “Travel and Activity Choices Based on an Individual Accessibility Model,” Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp.387-406. (SSCI) (NSC 89-2211-E-009-077)
  22. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 2003. 11, “Determining Flight Frequencies on an Airline Network with Demand-supply Interactions,” Transportation Research – part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp.417-441. (SCI, SSCI)(NSC 89-2211-E-009-022)
  23. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Hui-Yi Chiang and Wei-Chieh Lee, 2003. 12,“Shipping Strategies for Internet Shopping Goods under Non-homogeneous Demand Pattern,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 2341-2354.(NSC 88-2416-H-009-012)
  24. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Sheng-Feng Hung, 2003. 12, “Vehicle Routing Problem for Distributing Refrigerated Food,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 2261-2272.(NSC 92-2416-H-009-014)
  25. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Su-Miao Liu, 2003. 12, “Predicting City-pair Passenger Traffic Using Grey Topological Forecasting Model,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 453-470.( NSC 91-2211-E-009-049)
  26. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 2002. 06, “Reliability Evaluation for Airline Network Design in Response to Fluctuation in Passenger Demand,” Omega – The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.197-213. (SCI, SSCI, EI) (NSC 89-2211-E-009-022)
  27. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 2001. 09, “Household-mode Choice and Residence-rent Distribution in a Metropolitan Area with Surface Road and Rail Transit Networks,” Environment and Planning – part A, Vol. 33, No.9, pp.1547-1575. (SSCI) (NSC 89-2211-E-009-077)
  28. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 2000. 11, “Application of Grey Theory and Multiobjective Programming towards Airline Network Design,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 127, No. 1, pp.44-68. (SCI, EI) (NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  29. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Hui-Yi Chiang and Min-Ling Chiang, 2000. 11, “The Optimal Shipping Strategy for Teleshopping Commodity,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 631-642. (NSC 88-2416-H-009-012) (in Chinese) (TSSCI, EI)
  30. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and I-Jin Tsai, 1999. 09, “Logistics Cost, Consumer Demand, and Retail Establishment Density,” Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp.243-263. (SSCI). (NSC 84-2211-E-009-028) (NSC 89-2416-H-009-008)
  31. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 1999. 09, “Access Mode Combinations for Intercity Transportation Terminals in a Metropolitan Area,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 333-348. (NSC 87-2415-H-009-002)
  32. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 2001. 09, “Household-mode Choice and Residence-rent Distribution in a Metropolitan Area with Surface Road and Rail Transit Networks,” Environment and Planning – part A, Vol. 33, No.9, pp.1547-1575. (SSCI) (NSC 89-2211-E-009-077)
  33. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 2000. 11, “Application of Grey Theory and Multiobjective Programming towards Airline Network Design,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 127, No. 1, pp.44-68. (SCI, EI) (NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  34. Chaug-Ing Hsu*, Hui-Yi Chiang and Min-Ling Chiang, 2000. 11, “The Optimal Shipping Strategy for Teleshopping Commodity,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 631-642. (NSC 88-2416-H-009-012) (in Chinese) (TSSCI, EI)
  35. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and I-Jin Tsai, 1999. 09, “Logistics Cost, Consumer Demand, and Retail Establishment Density,” Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp.243-263. (SSCI). (NSC 84-2211-E-009-028) (NSC 89-2416-H-009-008)
  36. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Shwu-Ping Guo, 1999. 09, “Access Mode Combinations for Intercity Transportation Terminals in a Metropolitan Area,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 333-348. (NSC 87-2415-H-009-002)
  37. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yuh-Horng Wen, 1998. 06, “Improved Grey Prediction Models for Trans-Pacific Air Passenger Market,” Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 87-107. (SCI, EI) (NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  38. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Yai-Hui Wu, 1997. 12, “The Market Size of a City-Pair Route at an Airport,” The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 31, No.4, pp. 391-409. (SSCI)(NSC 82-0410-E-009-150) (NSC 83-0301-H-009-018)
  39. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Wen-Ming Chung, 1997. 06, “A Model for Market Share Distribution between High-Speed and Conventional Rail Services in a Transportation Corridor,” The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 31, No.2, pp. 121-153. (SSCI) (NSC 85-2211-E-009-021)
  40. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Fu-Shan Lin, 1997. 03, “Demand Distribution and Operating Strategies of Airport Remote and Terminal Parking Facilities,” Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 20, No.4, pp. 219-234. (SCI, EI) (NSC 83-0410-E-009-013)
  41. Chaug-Ing Hsu* and Chen, Jung-Hei, 1994. 12, “Effects of Changes in Transportation and Production Technology, and Customer Behavior on the Size and Market Area of Urban Establishments,” Papers in Regional Science – The Journal of the Regional Science Association International, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 407-424. (SSCI) (NSC 81-0410-E-009-08)
中文著作Chinese Publication
  1. 許巧鶯*、梁錦昌、施憲宏,2008,「應用區塊等候於機場航機起飛延滯管理之研究」,運輸學刊。(TSSCI) (Accepted and in press)
  2. 許巧鶯*、許乃文、趙清成,2007. 03,「機場航站大廈出境作業流程延滯擴散之研究」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十九卷,第一期,101-116頁,民國九十六年。(NSC 94-2211-E-009-005) (EI)
  3. 許巧鶯*、趙清成,2006. 03,「以動態規劃模式探討機場航站大廈之設施購置/汰換時程」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十五卷,第一期,1-28頁,民國九十五年。(TSSCI)(NSC 94-2211-E-009-005)
  4. 許巧鶯*、李佳紋,2006. 03,「動態資訊提供對大眾運輸使用者時間分配之影響」,運輸學刊,第十八卷,第一期,27-51 頁,民國九十五年。(TSSCI)(NSC94-2415-H-009-005)
  5. 許巧鶯*、劉剛伯,2005. 06,「低溫物流中心自動倉儲系統動態儲位指派之研究」,運輸學刊,第十七卷,第二期,209-232 頁,民國九十四年。(TSSCI) (NSC 92-2416-H-009-014)
  6. 許巧鶯*、李俊勳、溫裕弘,2005. 03,「考慮供需互動之航空貨運網路航線班機頻次規劃」,運輸學刊,第十七卷,第一期,95-124頁,民國九十四年。(TSSCI) (NSC 89-2416-H-009-033)
  7. 許巧鶯*、謝幼屏,2005. 06,「海運定期貨櫃航線之船型與頻次決策研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十四卷,第二期,211-242頁。(TSSCI) (NSC 90-2416-H-009-006)
  8. 許巧鶯*、彭一民,2004. 12,「運輸走廊瓶頸路段擁擠收費與捷運補貼之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十三卷,第四期,699-730頁,民國九十三年。(TSSCI)(NSC 91-2415-H-009-004)
  9. 許巧鶯*、陳慶彰、郭淑娉,2003. 11,「外環捷運路網市場服務範圍與路線評估之研究」,都市與計劃,第三十卷,第三期,199-222頁,民國九十二年十一月。(TSSCI)( NSC 88-2211-E-009-013)
  10. 許巧鶯*、彭美珠,2003. 12,「海運公司之複合快速運送營運策略分析」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十二卷,第四期,715-744頁,民國九十二年十二月。(TSSCI)(NSC 89-2416-H-009-033)
  11. 許巧鶯*、張文和、溫裕弘,2003. 12,「集中型航空客運場站配置設計」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十五卷,第四期,801-814頁,民國九十二年十二月。(EI)( NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  12. 許巧鶯*、鍾惠存、黃惠如,2003. 09,「航空公司班機誤點延滯擴散與控制之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十二卷,第三期,447-478頁,民國九十二年九月。(TSSCI)(NSC 93-2211-E-009-031)
  13. 許巧鶯*、林佩憓,2002. 06, ,「航空公司考慮環境收費之最佳網路配置研究」,運輸學刊,第十四卷,第二期,47-62頁,民國九十一年六月。(TSSCI) (NSC 90-2211-E-009-036)
  14. 許巧鶯*、趙清成,2002. 01,「國際機場旅客服務設施及商業活動空間分配之研究」,經社法制論叢,第二十九期,111-138 頁,民國九十一年一月。(NSC90-2211-E-009-036)
  15. 許巧鶯*、郭淑娉,1999. 03,「通勤者在平面道路與捷運路網上之運具與路線選擇」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十八卷,第一期,61-90頁,民國八十八年三月。(TSSCI)(NSC 88-2211-E-009-013)
  16. 許巧鶯*、陳裕強,1999. 03,「航線流量分配率與航空運量之空間集中度之探討」,運輸學刊,第十一卷,第一期,45-58頁,民國八十八年三月。(TSSCI) (NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  17. 許巧鶯*、黃惠如,1998. 12,「企業採行通勤上班或通訊上班決策模式之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十七卷,第四期,583-612頁,民國八十七年十二月。(TSSCI)
  18. 許巧鶯*、江慧儀、白仁德,1998. 09,「消費者電子購物與傳統購物選擇行為分析」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十七卷,第三期,435-464頁,民國八十七年九月。(TSSCI)( NSC 88-2416-H-009-012)
  19. 許巧鶯*、溫裕弘,1998. 06,「應用灰色預測與灰色聚類於航空公司航線運量預測與形態設計」,模糊系統學刊,第四卷,第二期,51-62頁,民國八十七年。(NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  20. 許巧鶯*、蕭國洲,1998. 06,「廠商以航空貨運中心為轉運站之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十七卷,第二期,213-244頁,民國八十七年六月。(TSSCI) (NSC 86-2621-E-009-004)
  21. 許巧鶯*、郭淑娉,1997. 12,「平行跑道與不同航站佈設下之最適航空公司機門位置」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十六卷,第四期,639-668頁,民國八十六年十二月。(TSSCI)
  22. 許巧鶯*、溫裕弘,1997. 09,「台灣地區國際航空客運量之預測- 灰色預測模式之應用」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十六卷,第三期,525-556頁,民國八十六年九月。(TSSCI) (NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  23. 許巧鶯*、王志青,1997. 03,「軸輻航空貨運網路之直接與轉運路線選擇」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十六卷,第一期,95-118 頁,民國八十六年三月。(TSSCI) (NSC 86-2621-E-009-004)
  24. 許巧鶯*、周晏正,1996. 03,「都會區內場站與快速道路配置型態對高鐵與航空市場範圍之影響」,運輸學刊,第九卷,第一期,41-64頁,民國八十五年三月。(TSSCI) (NSC 85-2211-E-009-021)
  25. 許巧鶯*、溫裕弘,1996. 09,「應用灰色理論於航空公司網路形態設計與航線班機頻次規劃」,運輸學刊,第九卷,第三期,45-64頁,民國八十五年九月。(TSSCI)(NSC 87-2211-E-009-012)
  26. 許巧鶯*、蔡宜兼,1996. 03,「直接運送型態零售點配置與市場範圍之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十五卷,第一期,45-70 頁,民國八十五年三月。 (TSSCI)(NSC 84-2211-E-009-028)
  27. 許巧鶯*、林佳宜,1995. 05,「國際觀光旅遊決策行為分析」,交大管理學報,第十五卷,第一期,101-126頁,民國八十四年五月。 (NSC 82-0410-E-009-150)
  28. 許巧鶯*、蔡瑞鉉,1994. 12,「捷運終點站接駁運具市場之空間分佈研究」,規劃學報,第二十一卷,17-35頁,民國八十三年十二月。 (NSC 82-0301-H-009-010)
  29. 許巧鶯*、謝幼屏,1993. 12,「行旅/ 活動群組之可及性分析」,規劃學報,第二十卷,1-37頁,民國八十二年十二月。 (NSC 81-0410-E-009-08)
  30. 許巧鶯*、謝幼屏,1993. 06,「個體可及性衡量模式之建立」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十二卷,第二期,203-230頁,民國八十二年六月。 (TSSCI) (NSC 81-0410-E-009-08)
  31. 許巧鶯*、陳榮輝,1992. 06,「規模經濟、旅行成本與都會設施規模之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第二十一卷,第二期,189-208頁,民國八十一年六月。(TSSCI) (NSC 80-0410-E-009-05)