Barbara T.H. Yen
- 聯絡Contact
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57213
- 專業領域Expertise
運輸規劃- 學歷Education
交通大學運輸與物流管理學系 博士 2013
交通大學交通運輸研究所 碩士 2007
中央大學經濟學系 學士 2005- 經歷Experience
講師,澳洲葛瑞菲斯土木學系(2017/1 至 2019/7)
博士後研究員,葛瑞菲斯大學城市研究中心(2013/8 至 2016/12)- 榮譽Awards
- “Martin Oppermann Memorial Award”: the Best Article of the Year 2017 for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.
– Abraham Leung, Barbara T.H. Yen, Gui Lohmann, 2017. Why passengers’ geo-demographic characteristics matter to airport marketing. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 1-18. - 2017 Best paper reward for the Tourism and the Chinese Dream Conference.
– Luke Foyster, Bojana Spasojevic, Abraham Leung, Gui Lohmann, Barbara T.H. Yen. 2017. Travel dispersal of Chinese Visitors in Queensland. Tourism and the Chinese Dream Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 23-25 November 2017.
- “Martin Oppermann Memorial Award”: the Best Article of the Year 2017 for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.
- 英文著作English Publication
Book Chapter
Published Book Chapters
- Barbara T.H. Yen (2021). Smart card data and planning for public transport: a case study from South East Queensland, Australia. The Routledge Handbook for Public Transport, 499-506.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley (2021). Parking Provision, Parking Demand and Public Transport Accessibility. The Routledge Handbook for Public Transport, 405-418.
- Corinne Mulley, Barbara T.H. Yen, Min Zhang (2021). Land value gains and value capture: the potential for financing public transport infrastructure. The Routledge Handbook for Public Transport, 123-137.
- Corinne Mulley, Barbara T.H. Yen (2020). Funding public transport through land use and value capture. In Handbook of Sustainable Transport. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Lawrence W. Lan, Yu-Chiun Chiou. A Novel Approach to Evaluating Multi-period Performance of Non-storable Production with Carry-Over Activities. Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Springer, 2019, 289-299.
- Yan Kuang, Barbara T.H. Yen, Kate Barry, Traffic impact analysis of Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 2. Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Springer, 2019 397-406.
Refereed Papers:
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Chia-Jung Yeh. “How public shared bike can assist first and last mile accessibility: A case study of the MRT system in Taipei City, Taiwan.” Journal of Transport Geography108 (2023): 103569.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Gerardo Meza. “How do soft factors influence take-up of gamified travel demand management schemes in public transport: An investigation in Gold Coast, Australia.” Research in Transportation Business & Management47 (2023): 100954.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, and Corinne Mulley. “Introduction to the themed volume on transport efficiency.” Research in Transportation Business and Management46 (2023): 100949.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley & Chia-Jung Yeh (2023). Performance evaluation for demand responsive transport services: A two-stage bootstrap-DEA and ordinary least square approach. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 46, 100869.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, et al. “How smart port design influences port efficiency–A DEA-Tobit approach.” Research in Transportation Business & Management46 (2023): 100862.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Chiang Fu, and Yu-Chiun Chiou. “Young Drivers’ Preferences for Gamification Schemes Toward Safer Driving Behaviors: A Pilot Study.” Transportation research record8 (2022): 279-291.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, and Jun-Sheng Li. “Route-based performance evaluation for airlines–A metafrontier data envelopment analysis approach.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review162 (2022): 102748.
- Min Zhang, Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley and Neil Sipe. “How does an open system bus rapid transit (BRT) facilitate inter and intra-modal mobility? A visual analytic analysis of Brisbane, Australia.” Research in Transportation Economics83 (2020): 100906.
- Corinne Mulley, and Barbara T.H. Yen. “Workshop 6 report: Better service delivery through modal integration.” Research in Transportation Economics83 (2020): 100913.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Min Zhang. “Equity in financing public transport infrastructure: Evaluating funding options.” Transport Policy95 (2020): 68-77.
- Min Zhang, and Barbara T.H. Yen. “The impact of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on land and property values: A meta-analysis.” Land Use Policy96 (2020): 104684.
- Min Zhang, Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley and Neil Sipe. (2020). An investigation of the open-system Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network and property values: The case of Brisbane, Australia. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 134, 16-34.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, Matthew Burke & Wen Chun Tseng. (2020). Parking and restaurant business: Differences in business perceptions and customer travel behaviour in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Land Use Policy, 92, 103818.
- Yulia Dewita, Matthew Burke, and Barbara T.H. Yen. “The relationship between transport, housing and urban form: Affordability of transport and housing in Indonesia.” Case Studies on Transport Policy1 (2020): 252-262.
- Yan Kuang*, Barbara T.H. Yen, Emiliya Suprun, Oz Sahina, 2019. A soft traffic management approach for achieving environmentally sustainable and economically viable outcomes: An Australian case study. Journal of Environmental Management 237, 379-386 (SCI).
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Corinne Mulley, Heather Shearer, 2019. Different stories from different approaches in evaluating property value up-lift: Evidence from the Gold Coast Light Rail system in Australia. Transportation Research Record 2673(3), 11-23 (SCI).
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Corinne Mulley, Matthew Burke. 2018. Gamification in transport intervention. Cities 85, 140-149 (SSCI).
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Wen-Chun Tseng, Corinne Mulley, Yu-Chiun Chiou. 2018. Assessing transfer policy effects in public transport: A case study of South East Queensland, Australia. Case Studies of Transport Policy 6, 364-375.
- Michael Tanko*, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen. 2018. Water transit and excess travel: discrete choice modeling of bus and ferry trips in Brisbane, Australia. Transportation Planning and Technology (SCI).
- Barbara T. H. Yen*, Yu-Chiun Chiou. 2018. Dynamic fuzzy data envelopment analysis models: Case of bus transport performance assessment. RAIRO – Operations Research 53(3), 991-1005. (SCI).
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Wen-Chun Tseng, Corinne Mulley. 2018. Inter-modal competition in an urbanised area: heavy rail and busway. Research in Transport Economics 69, 77-85 (SSCI).
- Yulia Dewita*, Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke. 2018. The Effect of Transport Cost on Housing Affordability: Experiences from the Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. Land Use Policy 79, 507-519 (SSCI).
- Christopher L. Ambrey*, Barbara T.H. Yen, 2018. How perceptions influence young drivers’ intentions to participate in gamified schemes. Transportation Research Part F 58, 708-718 (SSCI).
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Corinne Mulley, Heather Shearer, Matthew Burke. 2018. Announcement, construction or delivery: When does value uplift occur for residential properties? Evidence from the Gold Coast Light Rail system in Australia. Land Use Policy 73, 412-422 (SSCI).
- Abraham Leung*, Barbara T.H. Yen, Gui Lohmann, 2017. Why passengers’ geo-demographic characteristics matter to airport marketing. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 1-18 (Martin Oppermann Memorial Award) (SSCI).
- Bruce James*, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen, 2017. A Critical Appraisal of Individualised Marketing and Travel Blending interventions in Queensland and Western Australia from 1986-2011. Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol 8, 1-13 (SSCI).
- Corinne Mulley*, Liang Ma, Geoffrey Clifton, Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke, 2016. Residential property value impacts of proximity to transport infrastructure An investigation of bus rapid transit and heavy rail networks in Brisbane Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 41-52 (SSCI).
- Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai*, Corinne Mulley, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen, 2015. Exploring property value effects of ferry terminals: evidence from Brisbane, Australia. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10 (1) (SSCI).
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Lawrence W. Lan* and Barbara T. H. Yen, 2014. Integrated fuzzy data envelopment analysis to assess transport performance. Transportmetrica, Vol 10, 401-419 (SCI).
- Yu-Chiun Chiou*, Lawrence W. Lan and Barbara T. H. Yen, 2012. Route-based data envelopment analysis models. Transportation Research Part E,48, 415-425 (SCI).
- Yu-Chiun Chiou*, Lawrence W. Lan and Barbara T. H. Yen, 2010. Joint Measurement of Efficiency and Effectiveness for Non-storable Commodities: Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 201, Issue 2, 477-489 (SCI).
- Yu-Chiun Chiou*, Chieh-Hua Wen, I-Chang Chen, Barbara T. H. Yen, Shyh-Shyang Yuh, 2009. A Management Strategy Decision Support System for Energy Consumption and Emissions of Cars and Motorcycles. Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 38, 323-354 (TSSCI).
Published Non SCI/SSCI/TSSCI Papers:
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Cheng-Min Feng, and Tsai-Chen Lee. “Transit-oriented development strategy in Taiwan: An application of land value capture.” Asian Transport Studies9 (2023): 100094.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Wen-Chun Tseng. “Using big data to identify if an off-peak fares policy within a multi-modal system can influence travellers’ boarding time preferences and improve modal integration: the case of South-East Queensland, Australia.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies14 (2022): 1623-1642.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Barbara T.H. Yen, and Yi-Yun Yu. “Exploring Hourly Travel Demand Patterns under Various Land Uses: Cellular Data Application.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies14 (2022): 443-462.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Wen-Chun Tseng. (2022). Using big data to identify if an off-peak fares policy within a multi-modal system can influence travellers’ boarding time preferences and improve modal integration: the case of South-East Queensland, Australia. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 14, 1623-1642.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Barbara T.H. Yen, and Yi-Yun Yu. (2022). Exploring Hourly Travel Demand Patterns under Various Land Uses: Cellular Data Application. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 14, 443-462.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Lawrence W. Lan, Yu-Chiun Chiou, 2017, Evaluating multi-period performance of non-storable production with carry-over activities: The Dynamic Slack-based Measure Approach. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 12, 1414-1433.
- Abraham Leung*, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen, Yu-Chiun Chiou, 2017, Benchmarking Urban Transport Oil Vulnerability in 11 Asia-Pacific Cities, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 12, 1005-1022.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Wen-Chun Tseng, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Matthew Burke, Lawrence W. Lan, Corinne Mulley, 2015. Effects of two fare policies on public transport travel behaviour: Evidence from South East Queensland, Australia. Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol 11, 425-443.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Lawrence W. Lan and Barbara T. H. Yen, 2007. Integrated data envelopment analysis models for measuring transport efficiency and effectiveness. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 7, 427-440.
Conference Papers
- Barbara T.H. Yen*, Corinne Mulley, Heather Shearer, 2019. Different stories from different approaches in evaluating property value up-lift: Evidence from the Gold Coast Light Rail system in Australia. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2019.
- Yan Kuang*, Barbara T.H. Yen, Emiliya Suprun, Oz Sahina, 2017. A soft traffic management approach for achieving environmentally sustainable and economically viable outcomes: An Australian case study. MODSIM2013, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, Australia, December 3-8, 2017.
- Luke Foyster, Bojana Spasojevic, Abraham Leung, Gui Lohmann, Barbara T.H. Yen, Travel Dispersal of Chinese Visitors in Queensland: A comparative analysis, The Third East-West Dialogue Tourism and the Chinese Dream: Managing tourism for sustainable growth was held on the Gold Coast, Australia, November 23-25 2017 (Best paper reward).
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, Wen-Chun Tseng, Inter-modal competition in an urbanized area: Heavy rail and busways, The 15th conference of the International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 15), Stockholm, Sweden, August 13-17, 2017.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, Heather Shearer, Matthew Burke, Announcement, construction or delivery: when does value uplift occur? Evidence from the Gold Coast Light Rail system in Australia. World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, Australia, July 3-6, 2017.
- Yulia Dewita, Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke, The effect of transport cost on housing affordability: Experiences from the Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. 2017 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, July 3-6, 2017.
- Abraham Leung, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen, Jenny Cui, Effects of contemporary light rail on private transport energy use and oil vulnerability: a longitudinal assessment of Gold Coast City 2009-2015. 2017 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, July 3-6, 2017.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Lawrence W. Lan, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Evaluating multi-period performance of non-storable production with carry-over activities: the dynamic slack-based measure approach. Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vietnam, 18-21 September, 2017.
- Abraham Leung, Matthew Burke, Barbara T.H. Yen, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Benchmarking urban transport oil vulnerability in 11 Asia-Pacific Cities, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vietnam, 18-21 September, 2017.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke, Corinne Mulley, Simon Washington. Gamification in transport interventions. Australian Transport Research Forum, Melbourne, Australian, 16-18 November, 2016.
- Corinne, Mulley, Liang Ma, Geoffrey Clifton, Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke. The effects of bus rapid transit on residential property values in Brisbane, Australia. Transport Research Board 2016.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Wen-Chun Tseng, Corinne Mulley, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Matthew Burke. Assessing transfer policy effects in public transport: A case study of South East Queensland, Australia. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 10-15 July, 2016.
- Chao-Hung Chiang, Wen-Chun Tseng, Barbara T.H. Yen. Preference and willingness to accept for low-cost carrier attributes in international airline choice behaviour: A case study of Taipei-Tokyo route. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 10-15 July, 2016.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Matthew Burke, Wen-Chun Tseng, Mohammad Ghafoor, Corinne, Mulley, Claudine Moutou, Do restaurant precincts need more parking? Differences in business perceptions and customer travel behaviour in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Australian Transport Research Forum, Sydney, Australian, 30 September – 2 October, 2015.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Wen-Chun Tseng, Corinne Mulley, Lawrence W. Lan, Matthew Burke, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Competition between busways and heavy rail system in South East Queensland, Australia. Australian Transport Research Forum, Sydney, Australian, 30 September – 2 October, 2015.
- Gui Lohmann, Barbara T.H. Yen, 2014. Outbound local airport passenger travel patterns and behaviours: the tyranny of distance between the terminal and the place of residence. 49th Annual Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Canada, June 1-4.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai, Corinne Mulley, Matthew Burke, 2014. Exploring property value effects of ferry terminals in brisbane, australia: a comparison of DEA and statistical regression analysis. 12th Internation Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Malaysia, April 14-17.
- Barbara T.H. Yen, Lawrence W. Lan and Yu-Chiun Chiou, 2014. Measuring efficiency and effectiveness of transport service: a novel approach. 12th Internation Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Malaysia, April 14-17.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Barbara T.H. Yen, Chih-Wei Hsieh National, 2012. Modeling airline competition in an airfare regulated domestic market. Air Transport Research Society world conference, Taiwan, June 27-30.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Lawrence W. Lan, Barbara T. H. Yen, 2010. Route-Based Data Envelopment Analysis Model. The 15TH HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong, December 11-14.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Tzyy-Tyng Shyu, Barbara T. H. Yen, 2009. An integrated Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis Model. The 2009 International Conference and Annual Meeting for Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taoyuan, Taiwan, December.
- Yu-Chiun Chiou, Lawrence W. Lan, Barbara T. H. Yen, 2007. An Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis Model to Evaluate the Performance of Non-storable Commodities. Conference of Productivity Growth and Efficiency Measurement, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 8-9.
- 中文著作Chinese Publication