陳彥佑 Yen-Yu Chen 助理教授
陳彥佑 Yen-Yu Chen 助理教授
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57231



美國馬里蘭大學 土木與環境工程學系 博士 2021
交通大學 運輸與物流管理學系 博士 2014
交通大學 運輸科技與管理學系 碩士 2005 (副修資訊管理)
逢甲大學 交通工程與管理學系 學士 2003 (副修企業管理)




The Dean’s Fellowship, University of Maryland (2019-2020)
Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar (2020 & 2021)

英文著作English Publication

Journal papers

  1. Yen-Yu Chen, Yen-Hsiang Chen, Gang-Len Chang. (2021) Optimizing the Integrated Off-Ramp Signal Control to Prevent Queue Spillback to the Freeway Mainline. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103220.
  2. Yen-Yu Chen, Yao Cheng, Gang-Len Chang. (2020) A Lane- Group-Based Traffic Model for Assessing On-Ramp Traffic Impact. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 147(2), 04020152.
  3. Han Dong, Yen-Yu Chen, Cinzia Cirillo, K.I. Wong. (2019) Lateral Movement Decision Model for Powered Two-Wheelers in Taiwan. Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2673, No. 2, pp. 686-697.
  4. Wong, K. I., Lee, T.-C., Chen, Y.-Y. (2016) Traffic Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow in Urban Arterials. Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 379-391.
  5. Yen-Yu Chen, Gang-Len Chang (2014) A Macroscopic Signal Optimization Model for Arterials Under Heavy Mixed Traffic Flows. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 805-817.

Conference papers

  1.  Chien-Pang Liu, Yen-Yu Chen, Mu-Han Wang (2018) Utilizing Cellular-based Vehicle Probing (CVP) Data in Traffic Management — The Experience of Deployment, Testing and Validation. Accepted on the 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS).
  2. Yen-Yu Chen, Chien-Pang Liu, Chung-Han Lin, Mu-Han Wang (2018) Exploring the potential of cellular-based vehicle probing (CVP) data in application of transportation — the experience of deployment, testing and validation. Presented at the 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum FUKUOKA.
  3. Yen-Yu Chen, Chien-Pang Liu, Chih-Ching Chang, Mu-Han Wang, Tien-Pen Hsu, I-Heng Meng, Chi-Sheng Lin (2018) Adopting V2X Technology to Improve Motorcycle Safety. Presented at the 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum FUKUOKA.
  4. Han Dong, Yen-Yu Chen, Cinzia Cirillo, K.I. Wong (2017) A lateral movement decision model for powered two-wheelers in a developing country. Presented at the 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington D.C., USA
  5.  K.I. Wong, Yen-Yu Chen, J.T. Luo, Tzu-Chang Lee (2016) Modeling behavior of powered two-wheelers near a bus stop in mixed traffic. Presented at the 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington D.C., USA.
  6.  Ka Io Wong, Tzu-Chang Lee, Yen-Yu Chen (2015) Traffic characteristics of mixed traffic flow in urban arterials. Presented at the 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2015), Cebu, Philippines
  7.  C.H. Liao, Yen-Yu Chen, K.I. Wong (2015) Crash surrogate measures for mixed traffic flow. Presented at the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
  8.  H. Y. Lo, P. C. Liu, Yen-Yu Chen and K.I. Wong (2015) Traffic characteristics of mixed traffic flow in roundabouts. Poster at the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
  9. Wong, K.I., Wang, J.Y. and Chen, Y.Y. (2012) Travel time estimation and prediction for long freeway corridor. Presented at the 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 15-17 December, Hong Kong.
  10. J.Y. Wang, K.I. Wong, Y.Y. Chen (2012) Short-term travel time estimation and prediction for long freeway corridor using NN and regression. The 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.


  1. Gang-Len Chang, Yao Cheng, Yen-Yu Chen, and Yen-Hsiang Chen. “Integration of Ramp Metering and Off-Ramp Progression,” Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (No. MD-20-SHA/UM/5-14), Jun. 2020.
中文著作Chinese Publication


  1. 陳彥佑,「過飽和市區幹道號誌控制之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第四十二卷第四期,頁331-頁359,民國102年。


  1. 王晉元、陳彥佑、林國顯、張瓊文、莊忠儒,「應用偵測器推估公路車流量之研究」,中華民國運輸學會第二十屆學術論文研討會論文集,民國95年。


  1. 周維果、吳湘平、謝昇蓉、黃聖智、陳彥佑、洪揚、林政偉、屈家興,「智慧車輛法規技術諮詢與管理計畫(2/4)」,交通部,民國107年12月。
  2. 黃家耀、李子璋、陳彥佑、劉品均、羅湘盈 、廖家慧、羅聖學、曾家瑜、黃維皓,「混合車流模擬技術研發 – 機車行為研究」,交通部,民國104年12月。
  3. 張劭卿、張金琳、許添本、王晉元、魏健宏、蕭偉政、孫將瓴、鄭鎧鋙、盧彥璁、黃崇宇、陳彥佑、何佳儒、劉宇凡、葉妙珊、王攀智、陳文進、吳玉珍、曹瑞和、李 霞、周家慶,「公路路網交控及資訊系統架構設計與建置準則」,交通部運輸研究所,民國99年7月。