Yen-Yu Chen
- 聯絡Contact
+886-3-5712121 Ext: 57231
- 專業領域Expertise
高快速公路車流管理- 學歷Education
美國馬里蘭大學 土木與環境工程學系 博士 2021
交通大學 運輸與物流管理學系 博士 2014
交通大學 運輸科技與管理學系 碩士 2005 (副修資訊管理)
逢甲大學 交通工程與管理學系 學士 2003 (副修企業管理)- 經歷Experience
訪問學者,美國馬里蘭大學- 榮譽Awards
The Dean’s Fellowship, University of Maryland (2019-2020)
Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar (2020 & 2021)
- 英文著作English Publication
Journal papers
- Yen-Yu Chen, Yen-Hsiang Chen, Gang-Len Chang. (2021) Optimizing the Integrated Off-Ramp Signal Control to Prevent Queue Spillback to the Freeway Mainline. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103220.
- Yen-Yu Chen, Yao Cheng, Gang-Len Chang. (2020) A Lane- Group-Based Traffic Model for Assessing On-Ramp Traffic Impact. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 147(2), 04020152.
- Han Dong, Yen-Yu Chen, Cinzia Cirillo, K.I. Wong. (2019) Lateral Movement Decision Model for Powered Two-Wheelers in Taiwan. Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2673, No. 2, pp. 686-697.
- Wong, K. I., Lee, T.-C., Chen, Y.-Y. (2016) Traffic Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow in Urban Arterials. Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 379-391.
- Yen-Yu Chen, Gang-Len Chang (2014) A Macroscopic Signal Optimization Model for Arterials Under Heavy Mixed Traffic Flows. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 805-817.
Conference papers
- Chien-Pang Liu, Yen-Yu Chen, Mu-Han Wang (2018) Utilizing Cellular-based Vehicle Probing (CVP) Data in Traffic Management — The Experience of Deployment, Testing and Validation. Accepted on the 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS).
- Yen-Yu Chen, Chien-Pang Liu, Chung-Han Lin, Mu-Han Wang (2018) Exploring the potential of cellular-based vehicle probing (CVP) data in application of transportation — the experience of deployment, testing and validation. Presented at the 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum FUKUOKA.
- Yen-Yu Chen, Chien-Pang Liu, Chih-Ching Chang, Mu-Han Wang, Tien-Pen Hsu, I-Heng Meng, Chi-Sheng Lin (2018) Adopting V2X Technology to Improve Motorcycle Safety. Presented at the 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum FUKUOKA.
- Han Dong, Yen-Yu Chen, Cinzia Cirillo, K.I. Wong (2017) A lateral movement decision model for powered two-wheelers in a developing country. Presented at the 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington D.C., USA
- K.I. Wong, Yen-Yu Chen, J.T. Luo, Tzu-Chang Lee (2016) Modeling behavior of powered two-wheelers near a bus stop in mixed traffic. Presented at the 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), Washington D.C., USA.
- Ka Io Wong, Tzu-Chang Lee, Yen-Yu Chen (2015) Traffic characteristics of mixed traffic flow in urban arterials. Presented at the 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2015), Cebu, Philippines
- C.H. Liao, Yen-Yu Chen, K.I. Wong (2015) Crash surrogate measures for mixed traffic flow. Presented at the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
- H. Y. Lo, P. C. Liu, Yen-Yu Chen and K.I. Wong (2015) Traffic characteristics of mixed traffic flow in roundabouts. Poster at the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 12-14 December, Hong Kong.
- Wong, K.I., Wang, J.Y. and Chen, Y.Y. (2012) Travel time estimation and prediction for long freeway corridor. Presented at the 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 15-17 December, Hong Kong.
- J.Y. Wang, K.I. Wong, Y.Y. Chen (2012) Short-term travel time estimation and prediction for long freeway corridor using NN and regression. The 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
- Gang-Len Chang, Yao Cheng, Yen-Yu Chen, and Yen-Hsiang Chen. “Integration of Ramp Metering and Off-Ramp Progression,” Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (No. MD-20-SHA/UM/5-14), Jun. 2020.
- 中文著作Chinese Publication
- 陳彥佑,「過飽和市區幹道號誌控制之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第四十二卷第四期,頁331-頁359,民國102年。
- 王晉元、陳彥佑、林國顯、張瓊文、莊忠儒,「應用偵測器推估公路車流量之研究」,中華民國運輸學會第二十屆學術論文研討會論文集,民國95年。
- 周維果、吳湘平、謝昇蓉、黃聖智、陳彥佑、洪揚、林政偉、屈家興,「智慧車輛法規技術諮詢與管理計畫(2/4)」,交通部,民國107年12月。
- 黃家耀、李子璋、陳彥佑、劉品均、羅湘盈 、廖家慧、羅聖學、曾家瑜、黃維皓,「混合車流模擬技術研發 – 機車行為研究」,交通部,民國104年12月。
- 張劭卿、張金琳、許添本、王晉元、魏健宏、蕭偉政、孫將瓴、鄭鎧鋙、盧彥璁、黃崇宇、陳彥佑、何佳儒、劉宇凡、葉妙珊、王攀智、陳文進、吳玉珍、曹瑞和、李 霞、周家慶,「公路路網交控及資訊系統架構設計與建置準則」,交通部運輸研究所,民國99年7月。