韓復華 Anthony F. Han 榮譽退休教授
韓復華 Anthony F. Han 榮譽退休教授



美國柏克萊加州大學運輸工程博士 , 1984
美國麻省理工學院 土木工程師學位 , 1981
國立台灣大學土木研究所交通工程 碩士 , 1976
國立成功大學工程科學系學士 , 1974


國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系 教授
國立交通大學電子商務中心 主任
國立交通大學管理學院 院長
國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系 系主任
國立交通大學 IMBA 學程主任

英文著作English Publication
  1. Han, Anthony F. and Yu-Chin Chu (2016), “A Multi-Start Heuristic Approach for the Split-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Minimum Delivery Amounts,” Transportation Research Part E, Volume 88, pp. 11-31, April 2016. (SCI) (SSCI) DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2016.01.014
  2. Anthony F. HAN* and Elvis C. Li (2014, Dec). A constraint programming-based approach to the crew scheduling problem of the Taipei mass rapid transit system. Annals of Operations Research, 223(1), 173-193. (SCI, 35/79, OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCENCE). MOST 96-2211-E-009-124. 
  3. K.I. Wong*, A. F. Han and C.W. Yuen (2014, Feb). On Dynamic Demand Responsive Transport Services with Degree of Dynamism. Transportmetrica A: Transportation Science, 10 (1), pp.55-73.. (SSCI, 7/29, TRANSPORTATION). NSC 97-2211-E-009-119.
  4. Han, A. F. and C.C. Yueh (2011), “Dynamic Zoning Strategies for Dispatching of Couriers under Different Demand Patterns,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.335-356, September 2011 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  5. Han, A. F., H.R. Lu and H.Y. Chu (2011), “A Modified BATA Approach to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.213-232 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  6. Han, A. F. and C.H. Chen (2010), “Time Window Discretization and BATA Heuristics for Solving the VRPBTW Problems,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.285-306, September 2010 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  7. Han, A. F. and A.C. Chu (2010), “An IP Formulation and Metaheuristics for Commuter Bus Routing Problem,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol.39, No. 2, pp.133-164 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  8. Yuen, C.W., K. I. Wong, and A. F. Han (2009), “Waiting Strategies for the Dynamic Dial-a-Ride Problem,” International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 8, Nos. 3/4, pp.314-329.
  9. Yuen, C.W., K. I. Wong, and A. F. Han (2008), “ Waiting Strategies for the Dynamic Dial-a-Ride Problem, ”International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp.314-329.
  10. Han, A. F. and A.C. Chu (2008), “Passenger Boarding Strategies for Wide-Body Aircafts: A Case Study of Boeing 747-400,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol.34, No. 4, pp.381-404 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  11. Han, A. F. and C.T. Li (2008), “Comparison of Constraint Programming and Integer Programming Models: A Case Example of MRT Crew Rostering Problem,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1-23 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  12. Chen, P.J., Y.C. Chen, A.P. Chen and A.F. Han (2007), “Development of a Decision Support System for Portfolio Selection Based on Expert Knowledge: A Constraint Programming Approach,” Journal of Information Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 63-78 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  13. Han, A. F. and W.C. Chang (2007), “Constraint Programming Models for Sports Scheduling Problem: A Case Study of Chinese Professional Baseball League,” Journal of Management & Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 623-646 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  14. Han, A. F. and C.T. Li (2007), “Nurse Rostering Using Two-Phased Constraint Programming Models,” Journal of Management & Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 121-146 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  15. Han, A. F. and K.C. Wang (2002), “Applications of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1-14 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  16. Han, A. F., Gary Kuo and Danny Chi (2002), “Using Simulation Model to Estimate the Taipei Sung Shan Airport Capacity,” Civil Aviation Journal Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 51-74 (in Chinese).
  17. Han, A. F. and Y.J. Cho (2002), “Application of the GIDS Metaheuristic to the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol.31, No. 1, pp.1-36 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
  18. Han, A. F. and Y.J. Cho (2001), “Node Covering Problems: Review on TSP and VRP,” in C. C. Lin (ed.), Transportation Network Analysis, Chapter 8, pp.201-224 (in Chinese), Wunan Publisher.
  19. Han, A. F. and Y. J. Cho (2001), “A GIDS Metaheuristic Approach to the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem,” in Celso Ribeiro and Pierre Hansen (eds.), Essays and Surveys in Metaheuristics, Chapter 18, pp. 399-414, Kluwer.
  20. Han, A. F. and Y. J. Cho (1999), “A New Meta-Heuristic Approach to the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society of Transportation Societies, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 255-269, September 1999.
  21. Li, S. L., A. F. Han and J. T. Wong (1999), “Optimization Models of Runway Take-off and Landing Sequence,” Traffic and Transportation, Vol. 18, pp.1-20 (in Chinese), June 1999.
  22. Han, A. F. and Y. J. Cho (1998), “Comparison Analysis of the Applications of TA, NM and SSS Methods to Vehicle Routing Problems,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol.9, No.3, pp.113-144 (in Chinese), November 1998. (TSSCI) ***Awarded the Best Journal Paper by the Chinese Institute of Transportation in 1999***
  23. Yan, S. Y. , A. F. Han and C. M. Huo (1998), “The Optimization of Large-Scale Airport Gate Assignment Problem,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 245-254, (in Chinese) 1998. (TSSCI)
  24. Wong, J. T. , A. F. Han and S. L. Li (1997), “Estimation of the Runway Capacity of the Taipei Sung Shan Airport “, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 113-126 (in Chinese), December 1997. (TSSCI)
  25. Han, A. F, C. Chang, Y. H. Lee and Ruby J. Lin (1997), “Airport Noise Charge Models and A Case Study of the CKS International Airport,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 669-692 (in Chinese), December 1997. (TSSCI)
  26. Han, A. F, J. K. Yang and Y. J. Cho (1997), “Application of Threshold Acceptance Method to Vehicle Routing Problem,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 253-280 (in Chinese), June 1997. (TSSCI)
  27. Chang, Ching, A. F. Han, Y. H. Lee and Ruby J. Lin (1997), “A Framework of Airport Noise Charges in Taiwan”, Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 243, pp. 63-77 (in Chinese), March 1997.
  28. Han, A. F, Y. H. Lee and Ruby J. Lin (1997), “A Comparison Analysis of Airport Noise Charge Systems in Taiwan and Japan “, Taiwan Economics and Finance Monthly, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 47-66 (in Chinese), March 1997.
  29. Han, A. F, and J. K. Yang (1996), “Application of Threshold Acceptance Method to Traveling Salesman Problem,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 163-188 (in Chinese), June 1996. (TSSCI)
  30. Han, A. F. and Y.J. Cho (1994), “A Public Vehicle Dispatching Model System for Emergency Evacuation,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 247-272 (in Chinese), September 1994. (TSSCI)
  31. Han, A. F. and C. H. Hwang (1993), “Efficient Search Algorithms for Route Information Services of Direct and Connecting Transit Trips,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1358, pp. 1-5, March 1993. (SCI)
  32. Han, A. F. (1991), “Logistics Management and Business Competition,” Traffic and Transportation, Vol. 13, pp. 67-78 (in Chinese), June 1991.
  33. Han, A. F. (1991), “A Preliminary Planning of the MRT System in Hsinchu Metropolitan Area,” Chinese Road Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 23-47 (in Chinese), April 1991.
  34. Han, A. F. (1990), “TEVACS: Decision Support System for Evacuation Planning in Taiwan,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp. 821-830, 1990. (EI)
  35. Han, A. F. and C. Chang (1989), “Fuel Consumption Models of Domestic Passenger Cars under Urban Traffic Conditions,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 425-440 (in Chinese), December 1989. (TSSCI)
  36. Han, A. F. and S. T. Wu (1989), “Competitive Strategies of Postal Office in Domestic Express Mail Markets,” Postal Research Quarterly, Vol. 34, pp. 1-36 (in Chinese), October, 1989
  37. Lo, H. S. and A. F. Han (1989), “Improving the Operation Efficiency of Freeway Toll Stations: A Case Study ,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 181-200 (in Chinese), June 1989.
  38. Han, A. F., S. T. Wu and F. J. Chiu (1989), “Fuel Consumption Models of Buses under Urban Traffic Conditions,” Traffic and Transportation, Vol. 11, pp. 39-58 (in Chinese), June 1989.
  39. Han, A. F. (1988), “Assessment of Transfer Penalty to Bus Riders in Taipei: A Disaggregate Demand Modeling Approach,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1139, pp. 8- 14, September 1988. (SCI)
  40. Han, A. F. and H. K. Chiao (1988), “Decision Support Models for Ready-Mix Concrete Production and Transportation,” Traffic and Transportation, Vol. 10, pp. 67-88 (in Chinese), June 1988.
  41. Han, A. F. (1987), “An Analytical Framework for Assessing the Energy Impact of Transportation Systems Management Measures,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 641-650, December 1987. (TSSCI)
  42. Han, A. F. and T. Y. Hu (1987), “Network Evacuation Modeling Analysis and Decision Support System Development,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 16, No.3, pp. 411-424 (in Chinese), September 1987. (TSSCI) ***Awarded the Best Journal Paper by the Chinese Institute of Transportation in 1987***
  43. Han, A. F. (1986), “Hit and Run: Application of Probabilistic Models in Real World,” Mathemedia, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 12-16 (in Chinese), Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, September 1986.
  44. Han, A. F. and Carlos F. Daganzo (1986), “Distributing Nonstorable Items without Transhipments,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1061, pp. 32-41. (SCI)
  45. Han, A. F. (1985), “Application of Discrete Choice Models in Transportation Demand Analysis,” Traffic and Transportation, Vol. 9, pp. 1-10 (in Chinese), June 1985.
  46. Han, A. F. (1984), “Interactions between Telecommunication and Transportation: An Overview,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 613-622, December 1984. (TSSCI)
  47. Han, A. F. and Edward Sullivan (1984), “Trip Table Synthesis for CBD Networks: Evaluation of the LINKOD Model,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 944, pp. 106-112. (SCI)
  48. Han, A. F. and Nigel Wilson (1982), “The Allocation of Buses in Heavily Utilized Networks with Overlapping Routes,” Transportation Research, Vol. 16B, pp. 221-232. (SCI) (SSCI)
  49. Friesz, T.L., F.A. Tourreilles, A. F. Han and J.E. Fernandez (1980), “Comparison of Multicriteria Optimization Methods in Transport Project Evaluation,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 751, pp. 38-42. (SCI)
  50. Friesz, T.L., F.A. Tourreilles, and A. F. Han (1979), “Multi-Criteria Optimization Methods in Transportation Project Evaluation: The Case of Rural Roads in Developing Countries,” Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 20, pp. 389-398.
  51. Han, A. F. (1978), “Bus Scheduling Problems: Theory and Applications in Passenger Transport System,” Transportation Planning Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 17-31 (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
中文著作Chinese Publication
  1. 韓復華、鄧全斌、朱佑旌(2016), “應用迭代區域搜尋法求解混合封閉與開放車輛路線問題”,《運輸學刊》, 28卷4期, 479至506頁,民國105年12月. (TSSCI)
  2. 韓復華、朱佑旌、林致瑄(2016), “粒子群最佳化巨集啟發式方法求解多貨艙車輛路線問題之研究”,《運輸計劃季刊》, 45卷2期, 101至132頁,民國105年6月. (TSSCI)
  3. 韓復華、方建皓、朱佑旌(2014年09月)。以適應性重置門檻接受法求解多車種固定車隊車輛路線問題之研究。運輸學刊,26卷3期, 411至434頁。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。(TSSCI)。
  4. 韓復華, 岳忠傑(2011年09月)。不同需求特性下多動態運務員動態分區派遣策略之研究。運輸學刊,23卷3期,p.335-p.356。(TSSCI)。
  5. 韓復華, 呂鴻儒, 朱佑旌(2011年06月)。以改良型可回溯式門檻接受法求解回程取貨車輛路線問題之研究。運輸計劃季刊,40卷2期,p.213-p.232。(TSSCI)。
  6. 韓復華 , 陳仲豪 (2010), “ 應用時窗離散策略與可回溯式門檻接受法求解VRPBTW問題之研究 ”, 運輸學刊 , 22 卷 3 期 , 285 至 306 頁 , 民國 99 年 9 月.(TSSCI)
  7. 韓復華 , 朱政威 (2010), “ 通勤交通車路線問題模式與巨集啟發式解法 ”, 運輸計劃季刊 , 39 卷 2 期 , 133 至 164 頁 , 民國 99 年 6 月.(TSSCI)
  8. 韓復華 , 朱政威 (2008), “ 廣體客機旅客登機策略之研究:以波音747-400機型為例 ”, 運輸計劃季刊 , 37 卷 4 期 , 381 至 404 頁 , 民國 97 年 12 月.(TSSCI)
  9. 韓復華 , 李俊德 (2008), “ 限制規劃與整數規劃模式應用之比較-以捷運站務人員輪值問題為例 ”, 運輸學刊 , 20 卷 3 期 , 229 至 254 頁 , 民國 97 年 9 月. (TSSCI)
  10. 陳柏榮 , 陳怡璋 , 陳安斌 , 韓復華 (2007), “ 以限制規劃程式構建投資組合決策支援系統之研究 ”, 資訊管理學報 , 14 卷 4 期 , 63 至 78 頁 , 民國 96 年 10 月. (TSSCI)
  11. 韓復華 , 張文助 (2007),“ 以限制規劃模式構建運動賽程表─以中華職棒大聯盟為例 ”, 管理與系統 , 14 卷 4 期 , 623 至 646 頁 , 民國 96 年 10 月. (TSSCI)
  12. 韓復華 , 李俊德 (2007),“ 兩階段限制規劃模式求解護理人員輪值問題 ”, 管理與系統 , 14 卷 4 期 , 121 至 146 頁 , 民國 96 年 1 月. (TSSCI)
  13. 韓復華 , 王國琛 (2002), “ 巨集啟發式解法在求解大規模旅行推銷員問題之應用 ”, 運輸學刊 , 14 卷 2 期 , 1 至 14 頁 , 民國 91 年 6 月. (TSSCI)
  14. 韓復華 , 郭權鋒 , 戚文豪 (2002),“ 應用模擬模式推估松山機場容量之分析 ”, 民航季刊 , 4 卷 1 期 , 51 至 74 頁 , 民國 91 年 3 月.
研究計畫Research Projects
年份 委託單位 計畫名稱
2015  科技部 以迭代局域搜尋巨集啟發法 求解兼具自有與委外車輛路線問題之研究
2012  科技部  針對需求分割特性構建複合式鄰域搜尋法之設計與其應用
臺灣電力股份有限公司 核能電廠緊急應變計畫區民眾疏散方案規劃與模擬分析
2010  科技部  需求分割之車輛路線問題啟發式解法研究
2008 交通部運輸研究所 動態交通資訊之技術開發與應用研究(二)—車輛偵測器研發之功能擴充