Cheng-Min Feng
- 聯絡Contact
- 專業領域Expertise
- 學歷Education
1. 美國伊利諾州西北大學,土木所都市及區域計劃博士(1986)
2. 交通大學,運輸工程研究所碩士(1979)
3. 成功大學,都市計畫系學士(1977)- 經歷Experience
1. 交通大學交通運輸研究所教授(1990.8~)
2. 交通大學交通運輸研究所所長(1996.8~1999.7)
3. 交通部運輸研究所所長(1995.4~1995.7)
4. 交通部運輸研究所副所長(1991.8~1995.3)
5. 交通大學交通運輸研究所副教授(1987.8~1990.7)
6. 成功大學都市計劃系副教授(1986.4~1987.7)
7. 美國Argonne國家實驗室運輸中心助理研究員(1984.11~1985.12)
8. 台灣省住宅及都市發展局市鄉規劃處幫工程司(1979.7~1982.8)- 榮譽Awards
- 「台灣電子商務學會『2009年崇越論文大賞競賽』碩士論文組佳作」,2009。
- 「交通大學傑出人士研究獎」,2006。
- 「運輸學會運輸學刊論文獎」,2005。
- 「道路協會論文獎」,2005。
- 「運輸學會運輸學刊論文獎」,2004。
- 「道路協會論文獎」,2003。
- 「運輸學會航空運輸論文獎」,2002。
- 「交通大學傑出教學獎」,2001。
- 「民航季刊論文獎」,2001。
- 「都市計劃學會規劃獎」,1995。
- 「行政院國科會優等研究獎」,1994。
- 「運輸學會論文獎」,1992。
- 「土木水利工程學會論文獎」,1990。
- 「道路協會論文獎」,1990。
- 「宏碁科技管理教育中心」之「龍騰論文優等獎」,1989。
- 斐陶斐榮譽學會會員,1979。
- 英文著作English Publication
- Hsieh, C.H. and Feng, C.M.* (accepted). “Road network vulnerability assessment based on fragile factor interdependencies in spatial-functional perspectives.” Environment and Planning A (SSCI). 【NSC99-2410-H-009-062-MY3】
- Cheng-Min Feng*, Chi-Chun Chung (2013), Assessing the Risks of Airport Airside through the Fuzzy Logic- based Failure Modes, Effect and Criticality Analysis, Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 239523, 11 pages
- Huang* Y. K., Feng C. M., Fan W. S., and Lin H. P. (2012), Exploring the Choice Behavior on the Retailing Delivery Provider for Online Auction Consumers, International Journal of Business and Information, Vol.3, No.2, pp.325-334, 2012. (國科會計畫編號NSC 97-2410-H-009 -027 -SS3)
- Huang* Y. K., Feng C. M., and Sun X. H. (2012), An Analysis of Consumers’ Propensity to Return in E-Retailing, Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 34-47.
- Kang C.C., Feng* C. M., Kuo C. Y. (2012.7), Comparison of Royalty Methods for Build–Operate–Transfer Projects from a Negotiation Perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 48:4, Pp. 830-842. (SSCI)(國科會計畫編號:NSC 92 –2416–H-126-005)
- Kang C. C., Feng C. M. and Kuo C. Y. (2011.11), “A Royalty Negotiation Model for A Royalty Negotiation Model for BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) Projects: The Operational Revenue-Based Model,” Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Vol. 54, No., 9-10, pp. 2338-2347 (SCI).
- Hsieh, C.H., Su, J.L. & Feng, C.M. (2011). “Disaster Risk Assessment of Highway Bridge from Vulnerability Perspective.” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 9.
- Wang, S.M., Feng, C.M. & Hsieh, C.H. (2010), “Stakeholder Perspective on Urban Transport System Service Quality.” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(11), Pp.1103-1119. (SSCI)(國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2415-H-128-008)
- Kang, C.C., Feng, C.M., and Kuo, C.Y. (2010), “Using Bi-level Programming to Analyze the Royalty for Private-public Partnership Projects: the operational quantity-based model”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 3, Pp. 313-326. (SCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 92 –2416–H-126-005)
- Feng*, C. M. and Hsieh, H. C. (2010), “Choosing Core Industries in Free Trade Zone through the Use of a Value Added Criterion”, International Journal of Management, Vol.27 , No.3, Part2, Pp.583-592.(ABI)
- Feng*, C.M., Hsieh, C.H., and, Peng S.C. (2010), “Optimization of Urban Bus Routes Based on Principles of Sustainable Transportation”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, Pp.1109-1121.
- Feng, C.M. and Chang*, C.H. (2010), “Optimal Slot Allocation with Empty Container Reposition Problem for Asia Ocean Carriers”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 2, No. 1, Pp.22-43.
- Feng*, C.M., Wu, P.J., and Chia K.C. (2010.1), “A Hybrid Fuzzy Integral Decision-making Model for Locating Manufacturing Centers in China: a case study”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 200, No. 1, Pp.63-73. (SCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 93-2415-H-009-011)
- Huang* Y. K. and Feng C. M. (2009), Exploring the Determinants of Logistics Service Quality on Home Delivery Service for Online Auction, International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pp.281–300.
- Huang* Y. K. and Feng C. M. (2009), Why Customers Stay: An Analysis of Service Quality and Switching Cost on Choice Behavior by Catastrophe Model, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pp. 107-122.
- Feng*, C.M. and Hsieh, C.H. (2009.12), “Resource Allocation for Sustainable Urban Transit from a Transport Diversity Perspective”, Sustainability, Vol. 1, No. 4, Pp.960-977. (國科會計畫編號:NSC 96-2415-H-009-001-MY3)
- Feng*, C.M. and Wu, P.J. (2009.11), “A Tax Savings Model for the Emerging Global Manufacturing Network”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 122, Pp 534-546. (SCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2415-H-009-003-MY2)
- Feng*, C.M. and Hsieh, C.H. (2009), “Effect of Resource Allocatin Policies on Urban Transport Diversity”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 7, Pp.525-533. (SCI)(國科會計畫編號:NSC 96-2415-H-009-001-MY3)
- Huang*, Y.K., Feng, C.M., Wu, P.J. (2009.8), “A Structural Equation Model of Management Strategies and Firm Performance: A Case Study of Logistics Service Quality on Home Delivery”, International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pp.281-300.
- Feng, C.M. and Chern*, C.H. (2009.8), “The Development of A Supply Chain Design Model for the Computer Notebook Industry”, International Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No. 2, Pp.197-212. (ABI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 92-2211-E-009-057)
- Feng, C.M. and Chern, C.H., 2009.6, “Simultaneous Strategic and Operational Planning in Supply Chain Design for Notebook-Computer Industry”, International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp.109-132. (國科會計畫編號:NSC 92-2211-E-009-057)
- Kang, C.C. and Feng, C.M. (2009.5), “Risk Measurement and Risk Identification for BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) Projects: A Multi-attribute Utility Approach,” Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Vol. 49, No. 9-10, Pp.1082-1815. (SCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 89-2211-E-009-024)
- Feng*, C.M. and Hsieh, C.H. (2009.3), “Implications of Transport Diversity for Quality of Life”, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 1, Pp.13-18. (SSCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC 96-2415-H-009-001-MY3)
- Huang*, Y.K. and Feng, C.M. (2009), “A Catastrophe Model for Developing Loyalty Strategies: A Case Study on Choice Behaviour of Pick-up Point for Online Shopping”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pp.107-122.
- Feng*, C.M. and Chern, C.H. (2009.1), “Strategical-level Planning in Supply Chain Design for Notebook-Computer Industry”, International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems. (國科會計畫編號:NSC 92-2211-E-009-057)
- 中文著作Chinese Publication
- 黃昱凱、馮正民*、林維微 (2012),整合羅吉特模式與聯合分析法建構網路拍賣賣家選擇配送商品模型,運輸學刊。(TSSCI,已接受)
- 郭奕妏、馮正民、葉文雅 (2012.12),探討高鐵實施不同票種之價格促銷方案對小汽車駕駛人運具選擇行為的影響,運輸學刊,第24卷第4期,頁435-466。(TSSCI)
- 馮正民、謝承憲 (2010) ,「以運輸多樣性觀點建構都市大眾運輸資源配置模式」,運輸學刊,第22卷 第4期,頁477-504。 (TSSCI) (國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2415-H-009-001-MY3)
- 馮正民,蔡育新,吳沛儒,李洋寧 (2009.9),”台灣國土空間結構方案之研擬與評估”,都市與計劃,第36卷第3期,頁255-279。(TSSCI)
- 研究計畫Research Projects
科技部 以脆弱度與回復力觀點建構臺灣城際與海運運輸系統之風險評估(3/3) 2014
科技部 以脆弱度與回復力觀點建構臺灣城際與海運運輸系統之風險評估(2/3) 2013
科技部 以脆弱度與回復力觀點建構臺灣城際與海運運輸系統之風險評估(1/3) 科技部 配送風險管理之脆弱度與恢復力-模式建構與實證分析(3/3) 交通部公路總局 交通部公路總局公路公共運輸發展辦公室專案管理 交通部公路總局 國道客運營運機制改革及服務品質提昇之研究委託案 交通部臺灣區國道高速公路局 「國道建設永續發展經營及通行費檢討機制之研究」委託專業服務 2012
科技部 公路路網之脆弱度、回復力及減輕對策之資源配置(第三年/共三年) 科技部 配送風險管理之脆弱度與恢復力-模式建構與實證分析(第二年/共三年) 台灣世曦工程顧問股份有限公司 鐵路建設永續發展之財源籌措探討 行政院大陸委員會 ECFA簽署後兩岸自由貿易區發展策略之研究 2011
科技部 公路路網之脆弱度、回復力及減輕對策之資源配置(第二年/共三年) 科技部 配送風險管理之脆弱度與恢復力-模式建構與實證分析(第一年/共三年) 2010
科技部 公路路網之脆弱度、回復力及減輕對策之資源配置(第一年/共三年) 科技部 線上拍賣與電子零售店之物流配送模式選擇研究(第三年/共三年) 2009
科技部 以運輸多樣性觀點建立都市永續運輸評估與資源分派模式(第三年/共三年) 科技部 線上拍賣與電子零售店之物流配送模式選擇研究(第二年/共三年) 2008
科技部 以運輸多樣性觀點建立都市永續運輸評估與資源分派模式(第二年/共三年) 科技部 線上拍賣與電子零售店之物流配送模式選擇研究(第一年/共三年) 臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司 捷運後續路網自償財源籌措及對臺北捷運永續經營影響研析案 考選部 公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試交通行政及交通技術類科應試科目命題大綱委託研究案