Corinne Mulley Corinne Mulley 講座教授
Corinne Mulley Corinne Mulley 講座教授


evaluation of public transport investment
network planning and public transport management
flexible transport in urban and areas of low density
organisational frameworks / institutional structures
the connections between health and public transport and how evidence on how the built environment affects travel behaviour


PhD (Economics), London University (LSE), United Kingdom, 1989.
Masters in Economics (Economics), London School of Economics (LSE), University of London, United Kingdom, 1976.
BA Honours in Economics (Economics), Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 1975.

  • Highly cited paper 2013-2016, Elesevier – Research in Transportation Business and Management: ‘Valuing active travel: Including the health benefits of sustainable transport in transportation appraisal frameworks’ published in 2013 was one of the most highly cited papers during 2014, 2015 and up until June 2016. A certificate was given, 2016.
  • Research Excellence, The University of Sydney Business School, Australia, 2016.
  • John H Taplin Prize, Australasian Transport Research Forum, Best paper prize at the 36th Australasian Transport Research Forum,2013, for the paper “Forecasting public transport demand for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area: a comparison on univariate and multivariate methods”.Co-authored with Patrick Tsai, Geoffrey Clifton., Australia.
  • Michael Beesley Award, Thredbo Conference Series, Co-author of the best workshop paper “Metrobuses in Sydney: how high capacity and high frequency services are benefiting the metropolitan fringe”., United Kingdom, 2013.
  • Dr Cornelis Lely Prize, Association of the History of Transport Traffic and Mobility, for the paper ‘The transport success in providing for the Olympics in Sydney, Australia: Why was this not captured in future policy for public transport’. The prize is awarded for the best paper combining history and policy, and is sponsored by the Dutch agency Rijkswaterstaat, related to the Ministry for Infrastructure and Sustainability, and honours the three-times Waterstaat minister and drainer of the Dutch Zuiderzee, civil engineer Dr Cornelis Lely., 2012.
  • John H Taplin Prize winner for best paper at Conference (joint with Chinh Ho), 35th Annual Australasian Transport Research Forum ATRF 212, Perth, Australia, 2012.
  • Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport prize, Prize for a meritorious paper on Benchmarking in local public transport., 2005.
英文著作English Publication


  1. Hensher, D., Mulley, C. (2021). Hensher, D.A. and Mulley, C. Mobility bundling and cultural tribalism – Might passenger mobility plans through MaaS remain niche or are they truly scalable? Transport Policy, 100, 172-175.
  2. Kent, J., Mulley, C., Goh, L., Stevens, N. (2021). Public Transport and Travel with Dogs. In S. Ison, J Nelson, C. Mulley (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport, (pp. 381-392). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. 
  3. Mulley, C., Nelson, J. (2021). Public Transport Network Planning. In R. Vickerman (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation, (pp. 388-394). New York, USA: Elsevier. 
  4. Mulley, C., Nelson, J., Ison, S. (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. 
  5. Kent, J., Mulley, C. (2021). Understanding perspectives on urban policy change: the case of dogs on public transport in Sydney, Australia. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, In Press.
  6. Mulley, C., Nelson, J. (2021). Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
  7. Hensher, D.A. and Mulley, C. (2020) ‘Special issue on developments in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and intelligent mobility (editorial)’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 1-4.
  8. Yen, B.T. H., Mulley, C., Burke, M. and Tseng, W.-C. (2020) ‘Parking and restaurant business: Differences in business perceptions and customer travel behaviour in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia’, Land Use Policy, vol. 92.
  9. Mulley, C., Ho, C., Balbontin, C., Hensher, D.A., Stevens, L., Nelson, J. and Wright, S. (2020) ‘Mobility as a service in community transport, in Australia: can it provide a sustainable future?’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 107-122.
  10. Ho, C., Mulley, C. and Hensher, D.A. (2020) ‘Public preferences for mobility as a service: Insights from stated preference surveys’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 70-90.
  11. Wong, Y.Z., Hensher, D.A. and Mulley, C. (2020) ‘Mobility as a service (MaaS): Charting a future context’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 5-19.
  12. Zhang, M., Yen, B.T. H., Mulley, C. and Sipe, N. (2020) ‘An investigation of the open-system Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network and property values: The case of Brisbane, Australia’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 134, pp. 16-34.
  13. Balbontin, C., Hensher, D.A., Ho, C. and Mulley, C. (2020) ‘Do preferences towards BRT and LRT change as a voter, citizen, tax payer, or self-interested resident?’, Transportation, vol. 47, pp. 2981-3030.
  14. Van Acker, V., Ho, L., Stevens, L. and Mulley, C. (2020) ‘Quantifying the effects of childhood and previous residential experiences on current public transport behaviour’, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 86.
  15. Yen, B., Mulley, C. and Zhang, M. (2020 forthcoming) ‘Equity in financing public transport infrastructure: Evaluating funding options’, Transport Policy.
  16. Zhang, M., Yen, B., Mulley, C. and Sipe, N. (2020 forthcoming) ‘How does an open system bus rapid transit (BRT) facilitate inter and intra-modal mobility? A visual analytic analysis of Brisbane, Australia’, Research in Transportation Economics.
  17. Hensher, D.A., Balbontin, C., Ho, C. and Mulley, C. (2019) ‘Cross-cultural Contrasts of Preferences for Bus Rapid Transit and Light Rail Transit’, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 47-73.
  18. Yen, B.T.H., Mulley, C. and Burke, M. (2019) ‘Gamification in transport interventions: Another way to improve travel behavioural change’, Cities, vol. 85, pp. 140-149.
  19. Kent, J.L., Mulley, C. and Stevens, N. (2019) ‘Transport and wellbeing in a newly constructed greenfield estate: a quantitative exploration of the commuting experience’, Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 13, pp. 210-223.
  20. van Acker, V., Mulley, C. and Ho, L. (2019) ‘Impact of Childhood Experiences on Public Transport Travel Behaviour’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 130, pp. 783-798.

Book Chapter

  1. Yen, B.T. H., Mulley, C., Burke, M. and Tseng, W.-C. (2020) ‘Parking and restaurant business: Differences in business perceptions and customer travel behaviour in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia’, Land Use Policy, vol. 92.
  2. Mulley, C., Ho, C., Balbontin, C., Hensher, D.A., Stevens, L., Nelson, J. and Wright, S. (2020) ‘Mobility as a service in community transport, in Australia: can it provide a sustainable future?’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 107-122.
  3. Ho, C., Mulley, C. and Hensher, D.A. (2020) ‘Public preferences for mobility as a service: Insights from stated preference surveys’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 131, pp. 70-90.
  4. van Acker, V., Mulley, C. and Ho, L. (2020 forthcoming) ‘How childhood experiences affect travel behaviour differently across generations: An example of structural equation modelling in mobility biographies research’ in Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, ed. J. Scheiner, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
  5.  Hensher, D.A., Balbontin, C., Ho, C., Mulley, C., Macario, R. and Stewart, A. (2019) ‘Evaluating bus rapid transit and light rail transit on a level playing field in developed economies: a cross-cultural comparison’ in Developing Bus Rapid Transit: The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces, ed. F. Ferbrache, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 68-89.
  6. Mulley, C., Nelson, J. and Hensher, D.A. (2019) ‘Intelligent Mobility and Mobility as a Service’ in A Research Agenda for Transport Policy, ed. J. Stanley & D. A. Hensher, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 187-195.
  7. Merkert, R. and Mulley, C. (2019) ‘Panel Data in Transportation Research’ in Panel Data Econometrics (Empirical Applications), ed. M. Tsionas, Elsevier, London, United Kingdom, pp. 583-608.
  8. Mulley, C. and Nelson, J. (2019) ‘Public Transportation Systems’ in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, ed. A. M. Orum, John Wiley & Sons.
中文著作Chinese Publication